How many of you remember what your dreams are each night? Dreams are just one of the many ways that your guides can use to send you messages. The reason for this is that your body and mind are relaxed when you are dreaming and it’s easier for you to receive messages then. It’s similar to when you enter a state of relaxation for meditation.
To help with receiving these messages and remembering your dreams, I always recommend keeping a dream journal. This is a simple notebook that you can keep next to your bed with a pen. When you wake up in the morning write down everything that you remember. I have been asked before about journals or notebooks on phone. In my experience, the bright light can be jarring to your mind and it may diminish what you are able to remember so you are better off with a light bright enough to write and a normal notebook. You can choose a decorative one if you would like and I encourage you to. When you set aside a notebook and add your energy to it, that act and each time you work with it will continue to add your energy to it and make it have the energy of a dream book. This energy will assist you as well.
What if you are someone who struggles to remember your dreams? It’s not uncommon. While it may take a bit more practice and hard work it typically can be done. One of the things I recommend is engaging other senses. Take a sip of water before you sleep and right when you wake up. Choose a scent to use right before you go to sleep and when you wake up. One of my favorites for this is Eucalyptus and Spearmint. You will find that anything in the Mint Family can be helpful. Write something in your notebook before sleep. It can simply be the date and goodnight. In this way you are connecting your thoughts to your dream journal.
Be patient and give it time. If it’s something that doesn’t come easy you may find it takes some time to work with this. The more you do it the better you will get. Write down anything you remember when you wake up. Colors, emotions absolutely anything you can think of. It may help to write down your initial emotions upon waking up if you don’t remember anything else.
I hope this helps!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Remembering Your Dreams