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Sweet Witch Dreams

The sleep that you get each night is so important. If you aren’t getting enough sleep or the best sleep that you can, it can have a strong impact on your overall health and well-being.  When you work with energy there are things that you can do to help with getting a better night’s sleep.  Many of them are quite simple and honestly may already be familiar to you.  Ready?

Make Your Bed  – You can start shifting that positive energy for bedtime first thing in the morning.  The act of making your bed is a bit of a reset for your bed.  You are resetting the bed for a new night of sleep.  When you are done making your bed in the morning you may want to mist your bed with a bit of peppermint to freshen up the energy.

Bedtime Rituals – Do you have things that you do each night before bed? For instance, before I get into bed each night I make sure that I get a fresh glass of ice water, brush my teeth, find Loki, put on my pajamas, etc.  When you have a bedtime routine it helps you to get ready for bed.  It also makes your personal energy ready for bed.

Bedtime scents – I love the energy that you can raise by using different fragrances and I honestly use them a lot in my daily life.  At bedtime I adore lavender. I have a simple mist that I love to spray on my pillow just before bed.  It shifts the energy to bedtime and lets my body know as well.

Salt Lamp – If you can sleep with the soothing light of a salt lamp I always recommend it.  It is good to remove any energy that isn’t in your best interest and can help you to sleep better. If you don’t like sleeping with lights you can turn it on as you are getting ready for bed or as you are reading in bed and then turn it off when you are ready for sleep.

Bedtime tea – Every night I have a bedtime tea.  Lavender and Chamomile is my favorite before bed as it relaxes me and helps me to fall asleep.

Stones – Amethyst is amazing to keep next to your bed to aid with good dreams.  It can help to relieve stress and remove any energy that may be weighing you down at night. I also like Smoky Quartz, Rose Quartz and Celestite.

These are some things to get you started. You can see how each thing impacts your personal energy and the energy of the room that you are sleeping in. Pay attention to that and as always personalize it to what works best for you.

Have an amazingly magickal day and night!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

Start every morning with magick! Join me on Moonsong Daily Magick!

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