ArtArticlesEarthGardenHarvestHerbalismKitchen Witch


For those of you who have been with me for awhile you know that I get incredibly excited each year for the return of my gardens. It’s just one of the many reasons I would love to live somewhere warmer each year so that I can have them year round.

Each January we look forward to the return of the seeds in the stores.  It’s an exciting time and we have a few stores that we go to to gather seeds for what have become favorites over the years.  From herbs to veggies to favorite flowers for around the yard I always look forward to gathering the seeds as I know that it means our indoor greenhouses will return in a few weeks and it will be time to watch life start to grow. 

Over the years I have come to have some really big favorites.  I fell in love with ground cherries a couple of years ago and we added tomatillos to that list last year.  Both are varieties of husk tomatoes.  The ground cherries are small and pretty sweet and remind me a bit of strawberries.  I usually eat those raw and they tend to not last very long in our house.  The tomatillos are incredibly versatile and you can have them raw on salads or cooked in so many different ways.  They also make the most amazing salsa when paired with a bit of tomato, garlic, onion and cilantro.

I was missing seeds for both the ground cherries and tomatillos this year and received a wonderful recommendation for seeds online for a company that I thought a lot of you would enjoy, Hudson Valley Seed Company. 

I immediately felt at home when I saw their art packs! What a neat idea! It just makes you look at seeds in a completely different way. 

Here’s a sample of their midnight garden mix.  Isn’t that fun?

This is another art seed packet.  Aren’t they great?

I had a really great time looking through all they had to offer and I thought many of you would as well.  They had some seeds that I’ve had a hard time finding like the ground cherries and anise hyssop.  I was really excited to find them both. They have so many other things like seed jewelry, note cards and calendars.  It’s a great shop to spend a bit of time in online.  You can find them here: Hudson Valley Seed Co.

I hope that you have the most magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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