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Sensing Spirits Around You

Have you ever caught something out of the corner of your eye that you are pretty confident was there but the moment you turned direct you didn’t see anything? How about that sensation that you are being stared at but when you turn around no one is there.  Here’s my personal favorite… when you tell someone to check out a person that you are going by and the person in the card doesn’t see them….. wait … what? 

That’s what I deal with on a pretty normal day? I’ve lost track of the amount of times that I’ve told Earl to look at someone and he kind of gives me that look….that one that tells me there isn’t someone there.  No I’m not crazy.  My gift of sight wasn’t always this good either.

When I was little I saw spirits pretty frequently.  As I grew older I was taught that the things I was seeing didn’t exist.  Later on in life I realized that I had gifts and learned to see them again.  One of my first experiences late in life was my Grandfather.  I was outside wishing on a star and what I thought was steam from a dryer next door was coming across my yard.  Looking back even though it was cold there’s no way it would have happened like that.  It was my Grandfather though.  He showed himself as he was in his 30’s.  I was incredibly calm while I watched it happen and I remember this warm comfortable feeling.  

Over the years I’ve been working with spirits and spirit guides more and more.  I would say 90% of the time I’m lucky and they are wonderful spirits and I get that calm sensation.  I have dealt with some disgruntled spirits but even the few that I have I’ve found they are looking for something and if I can work it out and help they will move on.

When people as me how I know spirits are around me there are so many different ways. I will see them standing at a distance and you wouldn’t know the difference between them and someone walking down the street.  There is usually something to bring my attention to them besides their energy like how they are dressed.   

The most common way that I sense spirits is I can feel their presence and I will see them in my third eye if I bring my attention to them.  So for instance, when I do readings I often have loved ones come through.  They usually stand right behind me, almost always to my right side for some reason. I will experience this warm energy and when I go to focus on them if my mind is clear I will see them in my mind. The more I work with them the easier it is to sense them.  I can pick up energy all around me as well now.  

If I walk into a building and there are spirits there I will sense the shifts in energy pretty quickly.  Being an empath I will then pick up the emotions which often holds an important clue as to what’s going on. You can tell a lot with emotions!

When they want to get my attention since I got my Reiki attunement they will make my fingers tingle.  If I follow that, it can be like a game of hot and cold, I can find what they want to show me.

Your gifts are going to be different from everyone. You need to learn how you sense spirits, how you process them being there and how you receive that information.  Start small by just sitting in a room and seeing what comes to you.  Pay extra attention to your body and how you are feeling.  Look for things like chills, tingling, heat….  Listen for anything that happens while you are in there.  Pay attention with your vision as well as you may be surprised how things come to you.  You may find things that shift in the room or things that happen around you.  They can also be signs of a spirits presence.

If you are looking for someone specific don’t be afraid to call upon them.  If you light a white candle and some incense like sandalwood you can indicate that you are ready to work with them and you may find the energy increased.  

Don’t get discouraged.  Pay attention to everything.  Know that your experiences are yours. 🙂 Give yourself time to learn how you register everything and you will find that your gifts will keep evolving with time.  

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

One thought on “Sensing Spirits Around You

  1. I am more adept at seeing them since my Reiki attunement as well. A few months ago I had a shadow being crawling across my ceiling.. it absolutely terrified me. I call Archangel Michael to come and clear every time I see the dark ones afoot. I also blast them with light and they tend to sort of explode. Lol They are unnerving! I feel they are more prevalent due to Momma Earth’s Ascension. I feel they are being forced to the surface. Anywho! Bright Blessings to You and Yours!

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