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Signs In The Night

There is this place of consciousness that is in between….that place between sleep and being awake….that place where you are drifting into your dreams but still slightly aware of what is around you, that place similar to a deep meditative state.

It is there that my guides have been sending me extra signs and symbols lately.  I’ve woke up in the middle of the night and emailed myself and had to decipher what it was in the morning.  I’ve taken pictures of things that had meaning and found them on my camera in the morning.   I’m vaguely aware that I’m doing them, meaning if I look back on the night before I will remember. I typically won’t remember until the following morning. 

I had one example that I really wanted to share with all of you today.  I was having a nightmare.  I woke up and looked at my phone and it was 3:33.  I went to dismiss it but I was brought back and I swear the numbers glowed brighter.  Realizing it was a message I took the following picture:

I knew as soon as I read it that it was a sign from my guides that everything was going to be o.k.  I felt reassured and fell right back to sleep.

I also wanted to mention that I felt the presence of my Grandmother with me who was like a mother to me in my life the other day when I was going through a tough time.  While I work with my Grandfather a lot, I’ve found I have a harder time reaching my Grandmother.  I asked her for validation before I fell asleep last night. I do believe that she sent me a beautiful sign that I wouldn’t miss and it honestly meant the world to me.

The reason that I wanted to share this with you is that you never know how or when signs are going to come to you on your path.  Your guides will bring them to you any way they can.  In the middle of the night, as you are just falling asleep, or as you are just waking up are really key times.  The reason for this is that when you are in between you don’t fight the messages.  You don’t dismiss them.  You just take them in.  You may not even realize you are taking them in.  It’s an optimal time for you to receive messages.  Pay attention to the thoughts that you have during those times.  It may be a message from your guides.

I hope you have an amazingly magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong  

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