Thank you so much for supporting my small business! I have enjoyed working with all of you! Truly. Your emails mean so much to me and the many, many relationships that I have developed with so many of you throughout the years. Some of you who are with me now have been with me since I started this journey almost 15 years ago now. Can you believe it’s been that long? 🙂 Thank you.
When you support my business, every bit of money that you spend with me helps me to keep my business, allowing me to do what I love and work with all of you. It also helps me to support my family and, of course, the fur babies, including Loki, who many of you love. You are the ones who helped me to save him at this time last year. I will forever be grateful that you helped me to keep him. Every Daily Magick & Daily Oracle membership or Reading for you or your loved ones helps me to continue my passion for working with all of you, and I thank you for that.
Today is an important day for so many small businesses out there. Your support of our small businesses helps to ensure that you have places like ours to choose from in the future. When you support small businesses, you support dreams, life passions, and family, and you absolutely make a difference.
Thank you.
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong