
Spirit Animal: The White Rabbit

I adore bunnies, especially when they are baby bunnies zipping around my yard.  This year we have had so many bunnies.  We’ve had at least three litters of baby bunnies in our yard maybe more.  We saw one a couple of weeks ago that was slightly bigger than a chipmunk.  Beyond cute.  They have been hanging out in my herb garden and so far have been helpful munching on all of the weeds that are in there and luckily so far leaving my herbs alone.

Last year I wrote an article for you about the Rabbit being your spirit animal.  If you missed it you can find it here:  The Rabbit as Your Spirit Animal.  They often bring fertility and abundance to your life and help to draw your attention to things that you need to see.  It’s hard not to pause life for a moment to watch baby bunnies in the yard.

It was obvious very early on that the bunny was going to have a significant energy influence on my year this year.  So far I’ve been loving the energy that they’ve been bringing.  It’s been new, fun and just comforting to watch them enjoy the yard.  I have realized recently that they are bringing me even stronger messages as they’ve been showing up everywhere in shows that I’m watching, books I’m reading and even my dreams.  I had a dream the other night that really brought it home though… I spent a good amount of time with a white rabbit.  No not the rabbit from Alice in wonderland. This rabbit was in my yard in my dream and was encouraging me to notice small things in my yard.  This is something I usually do but I’ve been pretty busy lately so I need to take a bit more time.

For those of you who have been with me for awhile, I see Spirit Animals in different forms.  Sometimes they look like they do in every day life and I often work with white ones as well.  Interesting right? They have stronger energy and more comforting energy.  I’ve been seeing them for quite some time but it definitely go stronger after I did a Shaman Animal Journey many years ago.  Whenever I have a spirit animal come to me in a white for I know energy of change is around me and they are here to help me work through it.  Spirit Animals are really amazing to work with and I’m blessed to work with them on my path. 

The White Rabbit is bringing me energy of change and helping me to work with energy of happiness, abundance and prosperity in my life.  These are all areas that I saw being a focus this year and that I’m really happy to be working with.

I hope that you have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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