One of the things that I love about living in New England is the stone walls that are everywhere. It’s something that I haven’t seen often in other places when I travel. They are so easy to find here in New England, especially where farms are currently located or they were located in the past. After watching all the rocks that Earl pulls out of the garden each year when he plows the gardens in our yard I understand why! It seems as if new rocks grow during the winter months as each Spring when he gets the garden ready he will pull piles of rocks out of the garden. Even though we’ve had the garden for several years now, this still happens each year.
There’s something about stone walls and natural wood fences that I just find so beautiful. Perhaps it’s because I’ve grown up always surrounded by them everywhere. You will find them at the edge of a field in so many places around where I live. One of my favorite places to find them is walking through the woods as I know those old walls are showing me where old farms and properties were in the past. Often if you follow those old walls and check the land in between you can find cellar holes of homes that time has long forgotten. It’s also a great way to follow old roads. It’s one of the things that I really love about exploring the woods. Even as a little girl these stone walls and old properties were always a favorite place to play. I was taught other signs of the past like watching for trees that were all the same height. I use to go looking for clues and wondering what time use to look like before the trees filled in the properties.
One other amazing thing that I love is that sometimes those old stone walls will lead you to incredibly old cemeteries. We have a lot of old family burial sites here in New England. I’ve stumbled across many out deep in the woods where no one has been in ages with a stone wall surrounding a small plot and a handful of old stones. It wasn’t uncommon to have family plots out here that were located on the properties at the time. When you find these areas there are usually just a handful of graves. They are usually pretty old and some are even just made from old river stones.

This is a picture of the family cemetery at the Granby Land Trust that we love to walk at. While many of these are similar and are carved you can also find ones that look like they are old stones from a river.
If you are lucky enough to live in a town with stone walls and evidence of history in any form take some time in those areas and look around. See if you can envision what life used to look like there. Try to sense the energy of times gone by.
I hope you have a magickal day today!
Much Love and many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong