Blessings of the Summer Solstice and Litha! Tonight we celebrate the longest day and shortest night of the year and another turn that our Wheel of the Year is taking. The Summer Solstice can occur anywhere between the 20th through the 22nd of June, though it is happening for us on the 21st this year. Litha is the name of our Sabbat that corresponds to the Summer Solstice. Our Sun God is bringing us all his energy now and assisting our Goddess with all the beautiful abundance that we see around us on the Earth.
I have one of my favorite spells above for you to work with today for the Summer Solstice. I absolutely love the simplicity of this spell that manages to capture a bit of that innocent and fun energy of childhood summers combining it with the energy of nature. When I was young I worked as a counselor for many many years at Girl Scout camps. Every Summer one of my favorite days was the day that we built wish boats. We would build them with sticks, leaves, stones, and whatever else we could find so as not to disturb nature. It was so much fun to watch what everyone created as they were all so different. When we were done we would float them down the river that led to the lake running along with them to watch them on their journey.
Today one of my favorite ways to celebrate the Summer Solstice is with a campfire outside. One of the things that I love about celebrating here at home in New England is the fireflies. There’s something so magickal about watching them light up blinking all over the yard while I watch the fire under the stars. One day I would love to have a campfire on the beach for the Summer Solstice and surround that fire with shells and flowers. That would be another amazing way to celebrate. Unfortunately, I have never found a beach here where I live that allows campfires. It is tradition to celebrate the Summer Solstice with a bonfire to honor our Sun God and let the Sun know that it is welcome in our lives. It’s also a great way to give thanks for life and the many blessings in our life.
We are in an amazing energy portal right now between two Full Super Moons that are bringing us some amazing energy of balance. If you haven’t had a chance to check out the reading that I put together for this special energy you can still find it in the shop until this weekend. It’s called the Space in Between and the Power of Two. As we celebrate the longest day of the year we also invite balance back into our lives. You will find that the energy today is going to help bring a bit of balance into your life that is also focused on finding more happiness and some healing energy. If you’ve noticed that your health and well-being have shifted into focus for you it’s no coincidence. This is some wonderful powerful energy that we are working with. It’s also bringing some strong magickal energy. This energy is a bit whimsical and innocent. It’s a wonderful time to start working with magick that has to do with hopes, dreams, love, and personal happiness.
If you are an herbalist this is an incredibly powerful night to gather certain herbs for work with throughout the year. As always monitor the health of the plant you are choosing to work with and ensure that what you remove will not harm the plant so that it is unable to flourish for the remainder of the year. Here in Massachusetts, our gardens are doing quite well this year. I especially love the deck garden that we expanded upon this year. It makes sitting on the deck so much fun. I have sunflowers joined in some of the various pots that I have everywhere. I need to get out and take pictures for you! Maybe a video at some point. 🙂 The chocolate mint is definitely my strongest again this year and I’m loving how tall it is already. My herb garden has turned into the yard a bit and I have amazing varieties of mint, lavender, oregano, chives, basil, and lemon balm growing in various patches that I’ve been working on around the yard and luckily all seem to be doing quite well this year. Tonight is a great night to bless your gardens if you have them and perhaps choose a crystal that you have charged to add to your gardens.
Enjoy the magick of the Summer Solstice! Don’t forget it’s the perfect time to make that Summertime wish upon a star.
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Don’t Forget to order Summer Solstice and Litha readings! Stop by the shop!
Summer Solstice Blessings!