I had a question from a client today about if I could tell you exactly who you were in a past life if you were someone famous. I thought it was a great question and a great opportunity to share with you a little bit about what I see when I explore your Past Lives.
When I go into your past lives I use the cards, but it’s also very visualization-heavy as I’m relying heavily on my gift. To be honest I could do past life reading for you without the cards I just like to have them there to help validate what I am seeing.
When I being your reading I visualize a huge staircase that goes down. This is to bring me into a deeper meditation. At the bottom of the steps I will find a series of doors and I can choose one of the doors to explore with you in your past life reading.
As I open the door I am whoever you were in that past life. I will stand there and wait for things to come into focus. I can see what I’m wearing, where I am standing, what I am standing on, and other details in my immediate surroundings. From there I am able to walk around and gather additional information.
As I move into the reading and get situated I am eventually able to pull back and view it from a third-party perspective. I will be able to see you in that life and if I’m lucky I can get answers from you by piecing together pictures and emotions.
Names are beyond difficult, names of people, places, and important things are almost impossible. The reason for that is that I’m not communicating directly with anyone I have to put pieces of information together a bit like a puzzle. Sometimes I can get lucky and get that information but it’s not always possible.
I look for things that will help us figure out where you are and what type of life you are living. Some examples of things that I’m looking for is how people are dressed, what do the houses look like, what conditions are people living in, are there lights? These are just a few of the many many things I look for trying to get clues.
I adore doing these readings as they are relaxing, for some reason they don’t demand as much energy from me as trying to see future events. They are so interesting. I love being able to look around and see things and then try to assemble the story for you. They are my favorite reading to do.
In answer to the question if I can tell you who you were if you were someone famous, maybe. It depends on how many things I can pick up and if we can piece things together. I have had one client that we were able to find in the history books based on the details in the reading. She was a Queen and now I can’t remember where! We put everything that I had in the reading together and we found her. I say we, she found herself and then brought it to me for validation. I recognized some of the things that she brought me. It was my favorite past life experience.
If you decide you want to have a past life reading done you can find them on the shop here: Past Life Reading
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Taking a Journey to Your Past Lives