
Taking Back the Power of Words

Often times we are in situations where people may say things that are hurtful. Even if they had wonderful intentions at the start, you still may find whatever they said painful. When that pain arises you likely find yourself wanting to retreat away from the person or perhaps you even want to say something back in your defense. 

What happens after that? You have that initial reaction, find your way out of the situation, and then you walk away but it still hurts you later on. You may also find that the thought is coming back to you on occasion days later.  At this point you are allowing yourself to give power to the words that have been said to you.  You’ve given energy to these words and this initial energy of this person’s thoughts.  In order to stop this you need  to take that power back. 

First you want to look at what was said.  Was it useful advice even though it may have hurt? If so keep the part that was useful but transform it into something that you want to do.  Instead of having their words, create your own.  If it’s something that someone said that has no value to you, dismiss what the person said as their personal opinion.  It is not a direct reflection upon you and it should not impact your opinion of yourself if it is something that shouldn’t have been said.  You know the types of comments that I’m referring to.  

When you dismiss the comment, release it and send it’s energy to the Universe for repair, you will find the comment will no longer stay with you and it loses it’s power.  It’s a powerful visualization and a powerful spell.  

Think about what the person has said to you and envision it being in a word bubble above your head or around you.  Then I want you to mentally wrap that word bubble up, three times by three times folding it so that the words are trapped inside.  Mentally wrap it with red string commanding that the words be bound to remain there.  Then blow it away from you asking the Universe to take the words and heal their energy transforming them into a more useful energy like love.

If you find the words are still around you, you can repeat the spell with paper.  Write it down.  Bind it the same way that we talked about.  This time either bury the paper that is bound or burn it in a fire.  Either way will release any residual energy and you should find yourself free of the energy that was placed upon you.

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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