Tarot Pull

Tarot Reveal – October 8, 2020

How many of you are enjoying the season of the witch? The veils are thinning and their magick everywhere. One of my very favorite oracles to work with not just this time of year but all year is the Halloween Oracle. Let’s see what card you felt drawn to and what message it has for you today.

Card 1 – The Apple – Risk and Reward

For you today I have an Apple. Did you know that if you cut an apple in half you will find a pentacle? Pentacles can help you to manifest your desires. You have a lot of energy right now around you that is meant to help you to manifest something that you want in your life. However you may find that you have to navigate a challenge to get there or take on some type of risk. You may even find yourself questioning a leap of faith. All of these can be tricky and even bring some worries or fears as to how to navigate them in the best way. An important question to ask yourself today is what you would be willing to risk to get what you want.

This card comes to you today to let you know that energy to help you manifest your desires is around you now. This is a great time to work towards something that you want. The heart in the apple is a reminder that you need to follow your heart and your intuition. In doing this you will find the success that you are looking for.

Card 2 – Scrying – Intuition

You have questions….maybe things haven’t been as clear as you would like lately and you are seeking answers. Part of the reason that you may be having trouble finding the information that you are looking for is that there is a lot of fast moving energy around you in the world creating a lot of excess noise and distractions.

When you scry or work with any divination method, one of the most important things is to be able to quiet any distractions in the world around you so that you can then work on reading the energy that you want to in order to get the information that you want. You need to slow things down, quiet things down, and find your inner voice and connect to your intuition. When you do that you are going to find that things may not be as cloudy as they seem right now. The answer is with you, you just need the quiet to find it. If you are someone who meditates, take a bit of time in meditation. If you don’t meditate that’s ok. I find that a long walk in the woods always quiets my mind and the distractions of the world around me helping me to connect to myself and that beautiful Earth energy that helps me to feel grounded. Take a long walk today in nature and see what comes to you.

I should also note that as we are in the season of the witch, the veils are thinning. If you are intuitive this time of year can get pretty overwhelming! Don’t forget to ground and center. Long walks, lots of water and you will find this to be a more enjoyable season.

Card 3 – The Spider – Community and Web-Weaving

Have you ever had the opportunity to see a web covered in the morning dew with the sun catching the tiny droplets? It’s like a really intricate piece of art…just so beautiful. Perhaps you’ve had the chance to watch a spider weave her web? They can be fun to watch. I use to be afraid of spiders until I learned to work with their energy. They can be really amazing.

The Spider today is letting you know that the details are important in things happening in your life right now. It’s not a time to go fast or to push through things. It’s a time to really look for those tiny details….wait for the sun to hit the tiny water droplets on the web of your life. She brings you patience to wait for these details. You have energy that is moving around you to help you with something going on in your life. While it may not be happening as fast as you would like with patience, determination and careful weaving of the web in your life you will find that you can have the success that you are looking for. The spider also brings you wisdom and communication blessings. These will help you on your path. Look for spiders as a sign of luck and encouragement on your path now. Know the Universe has heard your requests and is working to help you.

I hope that you have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

Cards are drawn from the Halloween Oracle

P.S. Did you know I put out an Oracle card daily on the Daily Oracle? Join me! You can also stop by my shop to order a personalized reading.

Samhain Tarot Journey, Fate and Fortune Halloween Reading, Across the Veil Readings and more Available now! Stop by the shop.  https://www.jasmeinemoonsongshop.com/

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