When I was little I spent a lot of time in the woods exploring. One of my favorite things to find was old cellar holes or abandoned houses that told tales of a time that used to be. In my mind, they are a bit like a wonderful book that you can discover the secrets of. I am able to sense the energy of a lot of places and that makes the experience that much more interesting for me.
Growing up in New England I can tell you there are definitely abandoned houses to be found. Some of the best ones that I have come across have been accessed via old dirt roads that lead out into the woods into a time where things were different. I know of places where you can find remnants of towns or areas that use to be and were abandoned for one reason or another. I have spent countless hours digging carefully through piles of rubble looking for treasures or working with a metal detector waiting for that beeping noise that told me it was time to dig for a treasure that may be beneath the surface.
If you ever get the opportunity to find a place that has been abandoned sit with the energy for a while and see what you pick up. Can you visualize what life used to be like there? Look at the trees? Are they all the same height? Often if they are you may find that the area was cleared at one time and you can figure out what the area looked like. If it’s a larger area you may be able to tell if there use to be a farm there. Here in New England we also have a ton of stone walls. I can’t tell you how much I adore stone walls. They always have a story to tell. Maybe they lined a field, a property or even ran along an old dirt road they are absolutely everywhere out here and I love looking to see why they are there.
I know that this is something that has picked up a lot of interest in the past several years. I am a member of several groups on Facebook and Reddit that have people who share pictures of abandoned houses. I always love looking through them to see what is in the house. Old books, calendars, furniture, pictures, everything has its own story to tell and I find it fascinating. I am excited to see people interested in preserving the stories. You will even find that people are filming some of these locations and that can be a lot of fun to look at.
I do have a bit of caution as it can be dangerous looking for old houses. Often places are abandoned because structures are unsafe and houses weaken with time and exposure to the elements. It’s very seldom that I will ever go in one unless I can clearly see that it’s safe. Zooming in on a camera is a great way to see things. You also want to be careful of who may be “living there” or using the house. Even if it looks abandoned there may be people or animals who now call it home. Always use caution when exploring. Be respectful of places that are private property as well. Have fun with it! Always be safe.
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
The Energy of Abandoned Houses