Isn’t she adorable? Or he? I’m not quite sure honestly. I must confess this is not my picture, it’s one that I got from a free pictures site, but I wanted to share a story with you and needed a better picture than what I was able to capture for you! Many of you know that I live on the outskirts of town in the country. I’m incredibly lucky to have a beautiful field behind my house that has some woods up behind it. That setup combined with our little pond gives me the opportunity to see a lot of different wildlife. Seeing deer has always been one of my favorite and it’s not uncommon to see them here at dawn or at dusk if you are quiet in my backyard.

I came home from running an errand today to have a Mama in my back yard with her baby! :))) So cute and so small! It might be one of the smallest that I’ve been lucky enough to see.

While Earl and I were quiet and kept our distance, the frogs in the pond were excited that we were home and started greeting us with their croaks and swimming around. Yes, frogs can become almost friendly to you if they live with you long enough. They will come up and sit at my feet when I read out by the pond. Isn’t that the greatest? In this picture though you can see Mama looking up to see what the noise is but that’s the baby under her belly! It gives you an idea of just how tiny it was.
Earl got a video, again we weren’t very close so it’s not great. However, if you look close you can see them on the trail going up into the woods and the Mama nuzzling the baby. Words cannot describe how cute they were to watch this morning. I just wish I had a way to better share with all of you! 🙂 Here’s the link:
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonson