
The Healing Power Of Water

Water is such an amazing healing element. It’s probably one of the most powerful healing items that I know of. Water is naturally grounding. For those of us who are sensitives, intuitives, empaths, and even if you aren’t it’s extremely important. Most of us will feel calm if we visit a body of water, like the ocean, a lake, or a river. If you are an empath or sensitive you will probably notice that you feel drawn to go to the ocean or lake.  The fact that it is naturally grounding is part of the reason for this.

Have you ever taken the time to go out and play in the rain? When the weather is warm enough go out and stomp in the puddles barefoot, or even take a walk in the rain barefoot. It’s one of my favorite activities in the spring and summer. I will bring my kids outside and we will dance and play in the rain barefoot and splash about in the puddles. So next time it rains and the weather is warm give it a try! You’ll be amazed at how good you feel.

Something else very important is simply drinking water. Drink as much water as you can every day. Have a moment in your day that’s stressful? Grab a cool glass of water and see if it doesn’t help to calm and ground you. I try to always have water with me wherever I go. It’s something I can use to help me ground that no one would think twice about. I can’t stress enough how important this one is.  If you notice you are getting irritated during the day a lot of times it may be your body signaling that it’s not getting enough of this important element.  I know personally, it will have a huge impact on me.  I have to have several glasses of water throughout the day.  More often than not if I’m cranky this is a contributing factor.  

Showers and baths are also wonderful places to ground with water. As you take a shower let the water wash all the negativity you may carry right down that drain, then let it bathe you in white light. If you can before you take a bath rinse off first with a quick shower, you don’t have to get your hair wet, then when you take your bath, use some lavender in it and light some candles and soak up the positive energy of becoming one with the water. 

Another thing I love is the sound of water. This can be accomplished in a couple of ways. You can either get a small tabletop fountain that you can place near you at work or at home. The water will be soothing to see and listen to. Listen to the water. Listen to water on your computer, iPhone, or wherever you can access it. There are so many water-based relaxation tracks it’s incredible. 

Are there any other ways you can think of to use water to heal?

The following is a video that you may enjoy:

Water Video With Inspirational Quotes

Have an amazing day!

Love and Blessings, 

Jasmeine Moonsong

Moonsong Daily Magick includes daily magickal correspondences, quotes, affirmations, tarot cards, spells, and an article teaching you more about your path.

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