
The Importance of Cleansing Items for Sensitives

Spring is almost here in New England, and I’m really looking forward to having those warm summer days out here again. One of my favorite things to do during the summer is going to tag sales, or yard sales as some of you may call them, and antique shops. I love perusing all the things and looking for special goodies or amazing bargains.

A highly sensitive person is one who is sensitive to the energy around them. Everything is made up of energy, and it is not uncommon for some objects to store energy.

If you are one who enjoys perusing antiques and bargains as I do, you may find that going to these types of sales or shops can be overwhelming for you. If that is the case, make sure to beef up your shield before you go in, and ground afterward if necessary. I have learned that I have a really difficult time going into Estate Sales. They can make me extremely dizzy as the energy is just overwhelming. I will still go to them, however, I may need a moment once I leave to ground myself. I don’t push myself in those types of sales, if I start to feel overwhelmed I will leave.

Back to objects! So when you bring objects into your home, they can carry energy from places with them. When you start working with magickal tools, often you will cleanse and consecrate them before use. What about other objects that aren’t “magickal” that you bring home and intend to use. Depending on the object and its origination you may wish to start cleansing those objects as well. Often times a quick smudging to remove any negative energy with some white sage, or dragon’s blood will be enough. You may also choose to leave the item outside for a couple of days and let the Sun and Moon do their work.

I recently had an incident with some model planes that were brought home. The woman’s husband had passed on, and I had some issues with the boxes being in my room. Honestly, as intuitive as I am it took me almost a week to determine where the problem was coming from lol Without going into too much detail it was an educational experience for myself, and the boxes have been cleansed and blessed in full ritual and are now off my property. So the lesson in this for me was to become more aware of the “treasures’ that I am bringing home.

If you are sensitive, sense the energy on the item. Not just in the place you are purchasing it, when you get it home, note how it feels against the energy of your own home as well. When in doubt, cleanse it, it will never cause harm to cleanse something that need not be.

If you are in an antique shop or feel comfortable enough, you may wish to ask for the history of the item. It’s helpful to know if the owner is recently deceased as these items can tend to carry additional energy.

If you frequently buy antiques or items from yard sales it may be helpful to keep a list of the item and where you purchased them.

Am I saying not to go perusing for treasure? Not at all. Just realize that as a sensitive you may have to use a bit more caution and extra care with both yourself and your treasures.

Happy Hunting!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

Moonsong Daily Magick includes daily magickal correspondences, quotes, affirmations, tarot cards, spells, and an article teaching you more about your path.

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