
The Importance of Your Personal Perception of Self

Merry Meet.  Many of you know how much I love to read.  When I found out a friend of mine had released a personal memoir I jumped at the chance to give it a read.  It was a book that I found I didn’t want to put down as I constantly was wanting to know what happened next.  Most important though was this book made me think… for days… I still find myself thinking about things as it really made me look at life different.  Every once in awhile I feel compelled to write a review of a book and this was definitely one of those times.  This was my review:

“Maybe everything that I’ve been telling myself for as long as I can remember is an illusion, a fabrication of other’s expectations and opinions. – Spencer Newell”

“One of the most powerful and thought provoking books I’ve read in awhile. Spencer really bares it all in this book and gives you the raw look of exactly what he went through in his life and the amazing climb he took to get to where he’s standing today. I appreciated the honesty that he had throughout the entire book and found it almost impossible to put down wanting to constantly know where he was next. I appreciate the fact that he was willing to really share his life and I think his story will help a lot of people to understand addiction and gain a new perspective on life. The quote above I found the most profound theme throughout the book as I watched his life unfold.

I was lucky enough to know Spencer in school. He was an amazing person with a heart of pure gold. The few times I was able to spend with him I appreciated his friendly attitude and openness. He was someone that was never judgmental and always willing to share a laugh. His friendly smile is honestly something I remember the most. I found his perspective of being the underdog in high school baffling as I read it as I was two years ahead of him in school. The perspective that I knew others had of him was not of him being the underdog but that of envy that two very well known people in the school that were one year and two years ahead of him in class respectively, always wanted him with him. That spoke volumes to a lot of people about what an amazing person he was. Spencer is an amazing person and I’m so happy he decided to share his life journey.

He will take you on a journey, a journey where you get to really see into his world and what he went through. It’s a journey that will involve you right from the first paragraph and hold you all the way through until the end of the book. It’s one where you will likely want to know more about where he is now. I definitely encourage you to read his book. Spencer will definitely not disappoint you.”

I finished his book a couple of days ago and while it can be a tough read if addiction has touched your life in any way I found it to be an incredible read because of how much he shared, his thought process and what led him to make the decisions in his life that he did. It has left me thinking for the last couple of days about how my perception of what people think of me has influenced my life. I found that it definitely had some profound influences on my life. If you think about it how has it influenced yours? I know personally it’s something that I will be more aware of as I move forward on my life path.

I hope you have an amazing day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

If you have a moment to read his book and leave him a review I’d really appreciate it.   Here’s the Link: Appetite for Addiction

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