
The Magick In The Cards

I’ve been reading tarot for a long time now and I was lucky enough to work with Doreen Virtue as a tarot coach at one point when she was teaching tarot many many moons ago.  Many of you know that she has a very different path in life now and unfortunately has taken to being quite judgmental on things like the tarot and anything to do with the New Age movement so she definitely isn’t a resource for learning tarot anymore.  However about ten years ago she was an amazing tarot and oracle teacher.  One of the things she taught me was to never disregard anything that happens during a tarot reading.  It’s one of the most valuable lessons I learned when reading tarot. 

This morning I was doing a tarot reading and Earl came in and pulled a card for me like he often does. This morning he pulled an additional card.  “For the person you’re reading for” he told me as he handed me the card.  He then walked out of the room remarking that he knew I wouldn’t use the card.  

I absolutely used the card!  With it came an important message not just for the person I was reading for but a message that I felt needed to go to all of you as well.   

“You are going to be going on a new journey.  Allow yourself to be inspired and full of hope and remind yourself of that each and every day as you progress on this journey. There will be challenges and obstacles for you to get around but the journey that is always the most important is the one in which you follow your heart.  

I never questioned reading that card I just knew it was meant to be there.  I didn’t worry about getting a message with it either I knew it would.  

Whenever I read the tarot it’s not just the cards that are in front of me, it’s all the energy that is around me that I interpret, pictures in my mind and thoughts that I need to sort through.  The ultimate scenario is when I am able to get in a “zone” and the words just flow and before I realize what has happened I have a finished tarot reading in front of me.  It’s really an amazing experience to work with the cards.  I am quite confident that the enjoyment in reading the cards for me is enhanced by being a psychic medium. It really makes pretty much any deck that I touch come alive for me and I love it.

I can’t tell you how often things have happened during the reading that add meaning to the reading though and for those of you who I’ve read for you’ve likely seen this.  Kitties that won’t get off of the cards for me to take a picture, rainbows appearing outside as soon as I feel like I’m getting a message from the other side, sudden downpours when I have an emotional situation, butterflies that land on my computer, that song that interrupts whatever I’m listening to with lyrics that are amazingly fitting for the reading.  I really should start keeping a list!  Incorporating those things into my readings changed the way I read tarot and contributed to the magick that I find within the cards.  For those of you who work with the cards I hope that this helps you in your practice as well.

Have an amazingly magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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