I have so many different varieties of mint that I grow in my gardens each year. Peppermint is just one of the many that I work with. If you are considering growing mint you want to have it contained well or in an area that you don’t mind if it spreads as it multiplies throughout the season and from one year to the next. We have several huge patches of varieties of mint in our yard that we let spread as they want for the most part each year and I adore them all. They just smell amazing.
Peppermint is extremely versatile in its magickal properties which is definitely part of why I love it. It can help to improve psychic awareness and energy and help with energetic protection as well making it a great herb to work with when working with your intuitive gifts. Use it with some boiled water to make a really amazing herbal tea to drink while you are working with any divination method. You can also hang sprigs of it near where you are wanting to increase your intuitive gifts to help as well.
Back in college I use to carry a tin of Altoids with me everywhere. I use to keep them on me as they were strong little peppermint candies. Peppermint is amazing at helping with focus. If you have something you want to focus your attention on or you need to keep your attention on try some peppermint. You may find that it helps. I know it got me through a bunch of papers, tests and really long nights in college.
If you are looking to attract prosperity into your life this is a great herb to work with. It’s also amazing for good luck and improving finances in your life. You can tuck a leaf in your wallet to help improve finances. Maybe you want to leave a little box of leaves near where you work on your bills to bring luck and prosperity.
My favorite thing to do with mint is make tea. Many of you know I’m a huge herbal tea fan. I almost always have a cup of tea with fresh herbs in it at my desk. Mint is also an incredibly calming herb that is wonderful to soothe your tummy and help with digestion. If you have an upset tummy peppermint tea is just amazing. Apple Mint is my favorite for an upset tummy. I have jars of it in my house that I’ve dried from the Summer months.
You can also add peppermint to your cooking, or use it in oil form in a variety of ways. Peppermint is an incredibly common scent to work with for aromatherapy so you definitely will not have an issue finding it in a variety of things like soaps and candles.
I hope you have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
The Magick of Peppermint