
The Magick of Apple Mint

The picture above is just a part of our beautiful path of apple mint located between my house and the field in my back yard.  It is also known as fuzzy mint or wooly mint.  This path started from the smallest apple mint plant that I brought home many years ago now.  Mint is a plant that loves to spread so if you grow it you want to make sure it’s either in a container with high sides or it’s in an area that you don’t mind letting it spread. It’s also a perennial so I look forward to it coming back each year.  It usually grows in strength and area each year.  I’m pretty sure it’s the tallest mint.  It’s definitely the tallest variety that I have.

We have it growing in between our yard and the field right next to this very small seasonal stream that we have running through our yard.  It loves it there.  It prefers partial shade and partial sun so our patch really enjoys the giant Willow tree that you can see behind it to the left.  We love it because it gets rid of all the weeds, smells amazing and apple mint makes the most amazing tea and ice water. I always call it my tummy tea as it does an amazing job settling a sensitive stomach.  While other mints can irritate a stomach apple mint is incredibly gentle and has a very mild mint taste.  It’s really a beautiful soothing herb.  It’s much different in taste from peppermint or spearmint. I think the main reason is that it has a slight fruity or apple taste.  I’ve heard of people using it to make jellies and sauces.  You can also use it for it’s aroma as a dried potpourri or maybe leave a bit simmering in a mini crock pot.  We have some of it drying in our house right now in the dehydrator and the house smells amazing. 

Apple Mint makes beautiful purple flowers as you can see on a couple of the plants in the picture above.  It gets pretty tall out here by the end of Summer reaching somewhere around two feet. It does pretty well with the cold here as most mints do and I find this is one of the last herbs that we want to harvest.

While apple mint tastes a bit different and can be used a bit different from other mints it’s magickal properties are similar.  You can use it to help brings prosperity to you.  Tuck a few leaves in your wallet or purse to not only make it smell amazing but to attract financial abundance.  You can use it for protection of self and your garden.  It deters a lot of unwelcome visitors.  Just be careful if you are using it around your garden as it is considered invasive.  Plant it in containers if you don’t want it to roam free.  Mint is absolutely amazing in cleansing and healing spells.  You can use it in teas during rituals or to decorate your alter.  If you haven’t tried it in a smudge stick it can make a really wonderful addition to it.

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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