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The Owl

originally appeared in Moonsong Daily Magick on February 16, 2025

Last night I was working on a Full Moon Reading for one of you when Earl came in to get me.  He told me to  to come quickly and quietly.  I was intrigued and I immediately jumped up to follow him.
I was a little more tentative when he walked out the door and I didn’t have a coat.  It was freezing outside last night! I know to trust him though and I walked out the door in my slippers and stood there. He gestured to me to be quiet… and then I heard it.  The distinct low hooting of an owl.  I love owls.  Many of you know that. I have at least one Barred Owl that calls the park across the street from me home.  This wasn’t the familiar call of that owl though.  We stood there and listened to it for a few minutes and then came back inside and then we talked about how this owl call was different.

We looked through some videos to listen to the different calls of owls and there was no mistaking what we heard, it was a Great Horned Owl. I do believe this may be the first time that I’ve ever heard one! I was so excited. I still am honestly.  An hour later I opened the window a crack in the bathroom to see if he was still there and to take the above picture of the Moon for you and I could still here it in the distance. 🙂

The Great Horned Owl is not as common out here in Massachusetts, so it’s not surprising that I haven’t seen one before.  You will find them located in most of North America so you will have to let me know if you’ve seen or heard one at night. Their call is definitely quite distinct.  Owls bring you energy that helps to strengthen your intuition and to help you to see things from different perspectives.  They can help you to see what is normally hidden.  They also come as signs from your guides.  I have no doubt the one last night was sent as a much-needed sign.

Have an amazingly magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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