The Storm Last night we were driving home and found ourselves caught in quite the storm. It’s not uncommon here in New England, especially as we start approaching the warmest days of the year. Here in New England the saying is that if you don’t like the weather…give it a minute. Some days that is more true than others.
The storm last night we thought was going to miss us …well at least at that hour …but it found us. The rain was coming down in buckets. I use that phrase when it’s coming down so hard it’s impossible to see anything. Of course with it came the wind and the lightning. Luckily we were just up the road from my house and didn’t have far to go to find a safe place to pull over. The storm came off and on throughout the night with varying winds and rain and lightning. At one point last night I was just watching the lightning bugs outside against a back drop of lightning. It was honestly a beautiful view. Mother Nature can put on some of the best shows. I fell asleep last night to the sound of the rain tapping against my windows as it blew sideways with the wind in the night. I don’t mind the rain and thunderstorms. The wind makes me nervous as it can lead to destruction.
I woke up this morning, honestly a little nervous to see what the high winds had done. We only had a couple of small branches down. The sky is so blue!! You can see it in the picture. That’s my front yard. There isn’t a cloud in the sky. It’s a gorgeous 62 out so I immediately opened all the windows. At some point last night the temp must have come way down as when I went to bed it was hot and really humid. Loki jumped in the window and immediately that little nose got going. It smells amazing outside. The rain has soaked everything and it just smells amazing. What you can’t see in that picture above…you might be able to see it a bit…is that the street is lined with little white flowers. They are from the tree across the street. It has little white flowers on it that just bloomed and some of those petals are still falling as I write this to you.
So why am I telling you about this storm? A lot of you, including myself are navigating some incredibly strong energy of change. Sometimes that energy can be really disorienting like when you are trying to drive in a storm and can’t see anything as the rain and wind are so strong. But if you keep moving forward and take things slow you will find places that you can stop and watch things moving around you. You do your best to work with what’s happening and if you are lucky, maybe you can even enjoy it by watching some flashes of light. 😉 When the storm passes you will find that you have shaken off some old branches that maybe aren’t good for you anymore. But you are left with the most clear blue skies and beautiful day that will let you know that the hard work was worth it and a new day has begun.
Have an amazingly magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
The Storm