
True Black Tarot

“It is only in the darkness that we see the stars.”

I’ve been reading tarot for over a decade now and it’s no secret how much I love the cards.  I am a bit of a tarot deck collector.  When True Black came across my path I can honestly say I have never seen a deck like this before in my life.  It’s a deck that I wasn’t able to get out of my head for the longest time and when it finally was in my hands I can honestly say it is the most exquisite deck I have ever held.

True Black is the result of Arthur Wang pouring his heart and soul into an absolutely gorgeous deck that I honestly believe will withstand the test of time. From the moment you open the package that holds the deck you will know you have something special in your hands.  He puts as much attention into the packaging as he did the deck and all that tiny attention to detail shows off.  

The deck is in an amazingly sturdy magnetic close box. Why in the world don’t they make all tarot decks come in these boxes? It’s a dream just to open!  Right when you open it you will see the quote, “It is only in the darkness that we see the stars.”  The energy on the deck is incredibly strong.  It begs you to come in and explore the cards and what they have to tell you.  His attention to detail is everywhere in the deck from the hand painted sides of the cards to the carefully done foil on all the gold and silver portions of the cards.

As soon as you touch the cards you will feel the quality.  They are heavier than any deck I’ve ever worked with, scratch resistant and water resistant.  Can you believe that? The time and detail that Arthur put into this deck shows absolutely everywhere.  This is one of the first decks that I’m not concerned about them holding up to shuffling to use them for readings.   They are incredibly silky to the touch.  It’s like touching a rose petal, that beautiful silky feel.  Truly a dream to work with them. 

The deck itself just started speaking to me the moment I started looking at the cards.  While I can see evidence of the Rider-Waite system as it’s loosely based on it, it also kind of follows it’s own energetic rhythm and I love that it does.  I’m looking forward to really getting to know this deck.  This is a deck that has a lot to explore and familiarize yourself with.  It comes with a guidebook to help you understand Arthur’s interpretation of the tarot deck which is definitely helpful  It points out some of the smaller details that you may not normally notice.  

While you may find the deck speaks to you immediately, this isn’t a deck you just pick up and read.. as it has a beautiful complexity that I think most will enjoy working with and exploring. If you are very familiar with working with cards it will help you to interpret these cards.  If you are just starting out I wouldn’t recommend this as a starter deck, although you will learn a lot! I would classify it as a more advanced deck. For those of you looking to go deeper into the tarot and into your readings this deck will call you to work with it.   If you enjoy reading symbols in cards and the meaning in the pictures and you can let go of the traditional meanings while allowing them to influence what you are reading this is a great deck.  There is just so much going on in each card and so much to look at.   This is hands down the prettiest deck I’ve ever worked with.  It’s just luxurious, truly.

I am definitely looking forward to a beautiful journey with this deck. I’ve been loving the time that I’ve had working with it.  You will find it featured in a reading in the future from me. You can get on an email list and watch for them to become available. You can also see more pictures of the cards on his website.  True Black Tarot

Here is a picture of a reading that I did yesterday with the cards for someone.

I hope you have an amazingly magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

P.S. Interested in having a reading with the cards? Check out the new Night Path Tarot Journey with me that uses this deck!

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