
Welcome May!

Welcome May!

May 2021, are you ready? We have our second Full supermoon of a trio of supermoons this month that is also a total lunar eclipse.  The days are getting longer, the sun is helping to bring everything back to life around us.  May is always this huge month of transformation here in New England.  A lot of things have already started turning green here.  Our lawns are green again, some of the trees are coming back, and some early life is stirring in the gardens like my mint and the chives.  By the end of May the area that I live in will be transformed to an emerald wonderland and it’s absolutely gorgeous.  The nights are warmer here.  Most nights I have a window open to listen to those Spring Peepers.  Their sound will be replaced soon by crickets in the night. 

We already started our month yesterday with Beltane.  I hope all of you had a chance to have a bonfire and experience the exciting shifting energy that Beltane always brings us.  This month we still have a lot of energy of change around us happening.  That change is going to be focused on self-love. What do you want or need the most in your life right now? You are going to find some beautiful healing energy this month that is meant to help you recharge your personal energy and get ready to set out on a personal journey.  The decisions that you make in the coming weeks will help you to determine where that journey will lead you.  Let’s take a look at what’s happening this month!

May 1 – Beltane

May 6 – 7 – Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower

May 5 – Cinco De Mayo

May 11th – New Moon

May 13 – Celtic Tree Month Hawthorn Begins

May 26 – Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse- Our second in an important trio of Super Moon’s. 

I pulled the two of cups for this month from my main tarot deck, the Mystic Dreamer Tarot.  This month you are going to find the focus is on the relationships in your life, this includes your relationship with yourself.  You may find that an exciting opportunity comes to you from a connection that you have in your life.  I also have a bit of nostalgic energy around us right now for past relationships in our lives and ancestors on the other side.  It’s not uncommon to have that energy this time of year as the veils are still thin from Beltane.  It’s a great time to leave messages out for loved ones that you have on the other side and look for signs from them.  Of course know that it’s not limited to this time of year, it just is a bit easier this time of year.

Be open to change and personal growth this month.  You are meant to bloom and come to life in harmony with the world around you.  Enjoy all this wonderful energy around you and make it a point to spend some extra time outside.

By the way, if you had a Beltane Fire you can bring some of the ashes to your garden for extra energy of abundance and love.

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

P.S. Today is the last day to order your May Tarot Forecast

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