
When the Past Comes Back to Haunt You

As you navigate through your life there are several things that are suppose to happen. You are meant to explore the world and learn all that you can as you will carry the knowledge you gain in your soul.  You are meant to learn to love and to surround yourself with love as love is incredibly powerful and it’s something that heals our soul.  We are also meant to learn lessons in this life.  You will have some challenges that you wanted to navigate in this life and you will have other challenges that come up to help you learn lessons that you wanted to learn in this life.

As you walk your path you are going to find these challenges coming your way.  For those of you who have been with me a long time you know that I always emphasize working on these challenges as they come your way.  The reason for that is that if you don’t they are going to come around again.  Sometimes you can feel like you are going in circles or spinning your wheels with the same challenge.  Often you will find that the past is coming back to haunt you with something that you may not have quite finished.  When this happens you are going to find that there is a challenge that you haven’t mastered yet.  This can also be seen as an energetic “block.”  I often have people coming to me asking what is blocking them.  Typically it’s something that we are doing, something that we need to learn and haven’t yet.  The problem is that we can get stuck as we will keep seeing this same lesson until we learn it or in some cases have the courage or determination that we need to make the changes in order to move forward. 

You may know what you need to do, but having the knowledge is just as important as demonstrating a working understanding, meaning you have to take the action step and commit to it in order to change what’s going on.  If you want the past to stop coming back to you and you must confront it, deal with it and be willing to leave it in the past to move forward taking only the lessons with you.  

Why am I bringing it up today? There is energy this month that is going to challenge you to face any lessons that you haven’t learned yet.  Watch what’s going on in your life as you are navigating the coming weeks  If you are experiencing conflict or a sense of being stuck there is likely a lesson from the past that you are going to find you are being called upon to work with.

I hope you have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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