We are moving towards Samhain so quickly! For so many of us this month is going to go by in a flash. How many of you know that Samhain is the Witch’s New Year? It makes perfect sense if you think about it. How often do I tell you that in order to have new energy we must have endings. The death tarot card is the end or death of something to make room for something new. We release things during the lunar cycle to make room for new energy that is coming to us at the New Moon. Samhain is the end of the growing season. As we celebrate the end of one growing season we start preparing for a new growing season. Makes sense right? I was just telling Earl yesterday that while our gardens are coming to an end this year it’s time to start planning out next years gardens and collecting the seeds that we want to start as seedlings in a few months.
This year our Samhain celebration also corresponds with a Full Moon. Not just any Full Moon, a Blue Moon as it is our second Full Moon in the month of October. Exciting right?
My idea for you this year is to create a beautiful celebration box for yourself for November 1st. Collect things between now and then that are special, fun, will make you smile or just feel right for you in a special box. You get to have the box on the first day of your Witch’s New Year. Fun right? It’s something to make the season just a bit more special. Have fun with this! Maybe you want to include things like candles, special art kits, a special food (non-perishable) or perhaps you want to give yourself some notes that you will read on that day. We have about six weeks to get ready for this. Give this box your magickal energy and make it something that you are excited to have on the Samhain night or the first of November when the celebration has ended.
Have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Witch’s New Year Celebration Box