Lapis Lazuli is a stone that called to me very early when I started working with stones. Doesn’t it remind you a bit of a starry night? The bright blue color instantly caught my attention and the gold sparkles told me that it belonged in my pocket. I just adore stones that sparkle and blue, especially the shade of blue that Lapis Lazuli often comes in is my favorite. I’m not alone in my thoughts as you will find that Lapis Lazuli has been a stone that many wanted for a long time. It was often prized for it’s beautiful colors and the beautiful dye that came from the stone. Laps Lazuli was mined in the Sar-i Sang mines as early at the 7th millennium BC.
As many of you know the color blue can help us to connect with our emotions. This beautiful blue can also be incredibly calming allowing us to relax and settle into our true selves a bit deeper. If you are someone who enjoys working with your intuition or if you are looking to enhance your intuitive gifts this is a great stone. It really allows you to open up to access your personal energy and then you can expand your energy to help you read what is going on around you.
I know I told you that this stone reminds me of the stars. This is a wonderful stone of communication as well. If you are wanting to communicate with your guides or work with magick of setting your intentions this is a great stone to have on hand.
This energy of this stone corresponds well with honesty. If you are looking for honesty or you seek honesty this stone can help with that. It’s also a great stone to carry if you need a bit of extra courage.
I hope that you have the most magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Working with the Magick of Lapis Lazuli