
Working with the Magick of Smoky Quartz

I’m a full-time psychic so I work with my guides all the time.  They have all sorts of ways that they will pass me messages and give me things that they want me to look for.  The other night I had a dream that I needed a piece of smoky quartz.  It was in my head all the next couple of days. I looked on Etsy and I just wasn’t finding a piece that was calling to me.  I assumed then that it was something I was meant to look for and figured it would wind up on my path.  A couple of days later we went for a visit to the mall and in the back of this wonderful new age shop that I adore, I found it.  It was tucked on a shelf of clearance items and the flash instantly caught my eye.  I knew it was it before I even picked it up.  

Pictures never seem to do enough justice. I caught a bit of the flash on it.  I really want you to see it though so I made you a video! I brought it out into the sunshine for you.  Smoky Quartz VideoOf course, a car had to go by.  I live on this country road and it can get busy at times and other times it’s incredibly quiet.

I found it funny that in as many years working with tarot, spirits and just being active as a witch I somehow didn’t have a smoky quartz in my collection.  When I first saw it I went digging as I thought I must be mistaken and that I would have one somewhere.  I have several normal Quartz, Lemurian Quartz, and Rose Quartz but no Smoky Quartz ! Now that is fixed and this point is sitting on my desk.

Smoky Quartz is an incredibly powerful healing crystal.  Quartz is known as an amplifying crystal so you can pair it with other stones to help increase their energy.  It’s one of the reasons that I have so many of them around the house.  Clear quartz is also amazing at storing energy that you want it to keep.  Smoky Quartz has all the benefits of quartz but the additional benefits of healing, cleansing and grounding.  If you are someone who has been navigating a lot of challenges lately you may find this crystal to be incredibly helpful.  It can help you to ground and center making it easier to see things, to think and to make decisions.  It can help to remove energy that isn’t in your best interest and to release things like old thought patterns that may be holding you back.  For those of you that are empaths or incredibly intuitive I definitely recommend having one in the house.  I think the only reason that I’ve managed to go this long without one is that I tend to turn to Onyx or Hematite for strong protection or cleansing.  You can pair the smoky quartz with them and it will amplify their energy.

The funny thing about this quartz is that I couldn’t even remember the name of it the first day even though I knew the name of it.  Have you ever had that happen? I kept calling it shadow quartz.  Finally frustrated that I couldn’t find “shadow quartz” I looked up varieties of quartz and there it was.  But of course it was smoky quartz.  It’s incredibly common and for those of you who want one you will find it quite easy to find.

The fact that they gave me the name shadow quartz was definitely apt for some of the things that I’ve been navigating in my life.  Things that have been tucked in the shadows for awhile that have needed to come out and I’ve been working hard with them.  It’s never easy but it’s necessary and I’m sure that’s why they gave me the “shadow quartz” to work with.  If you are doing any shadow work I definitely recommend finding a piece of Smoky Quartz that calls to you.  While you are at it grab a Rose Quartz.  The two work incredibly well together.

I hope that you have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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