ArticlesEmpathEnergyFull Moon

Your Emotions and the Full Moon as an Empath

When I first started studying witchcraft many moons ago, I always noticed the strong emphasis on the Full Moon and how wondrous the energy is on that night.  The more attention I called to that particular night, the more I noticed that I often didn’t feel well on the night of the Full Moon. I was prone to headaches and exhaustion on a lot of Full Moon’s and honestly, some of the energy and things I encountered during the daytime made me want to hide as well.

Why in the world would that be?

As an empath, we are sensitive to the energy of the world that surrounds us.  The energy on the night of the Full Moon is most definitely heightened.  I honestly think this impacts more people than we realize. I’m sure you’ve all heard the stories and old tales of things that happen on the night of the Full Moon.

So what in the world should we do?  Pay more attention to your body and spiritual self during this time.  You may require more sleep, but you will definitely require more water.  Make sure you ground and shield properly during this time and take proper psychic care.  Be gentle with yourself.   Realize it’s ok if you have days that make you fatigued or not feeling quite well.  If you take extra good care of yourself during this time you will find that it’s easier to participate in the magickal energy of the night.

Whenever you do any magickal work on the night of the Full Moon be aware that you are working with and raising energy.  That’s one of the primary purposes of ritual right? Everyone always emphasized taking a bath before ritual.  I honestly find that a shower afterward can be very beneficial if you take it as a grounding shower.  Envision any excess energy going down the drain as the water bathes you in a beautiful white light.  Even if you take it first thing the following morning you will find that it’s helpful.

One of the things I find people often overlook is drinking water.  Keep extra water at hand on that day and make sure it’s always with you.  It can really be helpful throughout the day.  It’s good every day really for a multitude of reasons but as a sensitive  you will be amazed how much it can help.

Once you are aware of the energy that surrounds you and you know how to handle it then you can work with it.

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

Want some extra guidance with this Full Moon?  Stop by my shop for a Full Moon Reading

5 thoughts on “Your Emotions and the Full Moon as an Empath

  1. Its strange you say these things how you feel on a full moon. My emotions are very close to the surface, i feel tired with headaches also, and i do my best to ground myself more to the earth. I am a Aura healer and i feel i absorb energy around me more. My last couple of years have opened me more to our animal kingdom and the pain and cruelty in this world is sometimes unbearable. What you say makes more sense to me.
    Namaste and Many Blessings to you Jasmeine Moonsong, and your beautiful pictures you put on Facebook brightens my day.

  2. I noticed that I feel comforted by moonlight, or at least when I’m in moonlight, I don’t want to go back inside my house. I’ve looked all over online for an answer but can’t seem to find one. Do you know?

    1. That’s incredibly interesting. I have definitely noticed the same thing with myself and I make it a point to do it. It’s something that I look forward to with the Full Moon. I can have the same impact standing in the window if the Moon is visible. I honestly believe that the light is healing and grounding in a way. It feels like it kind of fixes all the energy that leads up to the Moon and makes it right if that makes sense. I’m quite sure if we ask the other empaths they will notice the same. <3

  3. As an empath I do not find any Moon time to be very fun. Full Moons and New Moons are generally the most draining and exhausting, Full Moon being the most intense out of the two though. I actually feel the reason behind this is that its not the Moon itself causing the restlessness and symptoms, but its the Collective purging their energies and emotions during these times- to me it feels like people are making New Years Resolutions every month. There are A LOT of people in the collective consciousness, using these times to cleanse, let go, and set new intentions- and for an empath, it can feel quite full on. The moon herself is not draining or exhausting, when I look to the Moon I always feel at peace and grounded. Her energy is powerful and balanced. There is no restlessness. That is the collective. During these periods I always try to make sure my boundaries are up, I eat right, I try to get as much sleep I can( as I don’t usually get much especially on a Full Moon) and meditate.

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