How many of you have a tarot deck? How many of you can remember when you bought your first one? I remember being nervous as I had been told that your first tarot deck should be a gift. Being that no one at that time knew I was even interested in tarot I figured that probably wouldn’t happen! I took a deep breath and went looking for the perfect deck. I actually found my deck pretty quick, the Mystic Dreamer Tarot. Over 10 years later it is still my main deck.
I don’t believe that you need to be given your first deck. I actually believe it’s better for you to choose the deck that chooses you. What do I mean by that?
When you look through various decks you are going to find that you are drawn to some and others just don’t speak to you. I have tons of decks that I work with for all different things but I can tell you that there are still decks out there that just don’t call to me? It doesn’t mean that they aren’t a good deck, it just means they aren’t the right match for me as I know they work for others. You want to find a deck that feels right to you and a deck that you have an interest in.
The second thing that you want to look for is a deck that is based on the Rider-Waite Tarot system. You will find that a lot of decks are. The reason for this is that when you are learning tarot it’s best to learn one method. If you learn that method with one deck you will find you can then branch out and work with other decks.
The third thing that you want to look for is a deck that has pictures with a lot going on.
Here’s a page of cards from the Mystic dreamer tarot. If you look at each picture, they are all complete and there is a log going on. The reason for this is that when you are doing intuitive tarot readings you will find that parts of the picture pull your attention or even become highlighted. It gives you more to focus on than just the base reading of the card which is incredibly helpful.
There is a big difference between a Tarot Card Reader and an Intuitive Tarot card reader. As a psychic, I use the cards as a tool to help me to find information for you. That’s why it’s so important for you to pick a deck that is detailed and one that you enjoy looking at. You will have tarot card readers that are just reading the meanings of the cards as they come up. You don’t have to be psychic to read the cards. Even if you aren’t a psychic when you are learning the tarot you should keep that possibility open for the future. As you work with the cards more you may find that you pick up more intuitively. Make sure that you have a deck that can accommodate that so that you don’t have to switch decks later.
I have a website for you that I used to help me choose my first set of cards. It’s called Aeclectic Tarot.
On that website, you can peruse tons of decks of cards to see which ones jump out at you. If you have the opportunity to I always recommend going to a new age shop so that you can touch the cards and look through them.
One word of caution. I remember someone warning me about this when I began the tarot. If you love the tarot, you will find yourself unable to have just one. <3 I am well over 50 decks now and I honestly love them all. The energy on each deck is completely unique.
I hope you have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Your First Tarot Card Deck for Intuitive Tarot Readings