
Thankgiving Blessings Today

Thanksgiving Blessings Today

Merry Meet :))))) As I sat down to write today’s edition of Moonsong Daily Magick, I was hesitant on doing it on Thanksgiving as I know many of you are all over the world and this is a holiday that is celebrated in the United States today.

However as a Wiccan I have learned to embrace and celebrate many cultures often times adapting them as I see fit and I thought today is a wonderful example of that.  I know Canada celebrates in October, and I’m quite sure many of you have traditions that are similar to give thanks throughout the year.  This holiday always feels closest to Mabon for me.

Thanksgiving has honestly been one of the holidays that I have had the hardest time getting behind over the last several years and I could not for the life of me figure out why.  I finally figured it out a couple of years ago. :))))) Each Thanksgiving I go home to my parents house to celebrate for a few hours.  It’s always just amazing.  My parents own a log cabin that sits up in the woods on top of a mountain.  The air is usually really crisp and often we will take a walk before having a large meal and then stretching out in front of the fire to watch a movie.  Growing up this was an all day event for me.  We would tromp through the woods much of the morning, come back starving and the house would just smell amazing with all the foods being cooked.  After our meal we would stay in front of the fire watching special movies together much of the night. Often these movies were Christmas movies as this usually kicked off the Christmas season.

Since I moved away from home,I really didn’t do much to celebrate at my own house and it’s amazing to go home for dinner but I always find it a bit strange when I come back home?

A couple of years ago Earl went home in California to see his family for the holidays.  While he was gone I was cleaning the house for his return and I started taking down all the Samhain decorations.  In order to do so I had to take out all the Yule decorations.  One thing led to another and before I knew it, well several hours over a few days, but the house was completely decked out for Yule. I love all the lights everywhere. They really do help with the cold weather that has settled in here in New England, the sun setting around 4:00, and the loss of color as the leaves are all on the ground.  We also decided that we are going to start having our own little Thanksgiving here as well.  Just like my Mom did back home but we will have our own turkey here the day before or whichever day works out.  This year we did it on the weekend. :))) That way the house will not only be filled with lights but the scents of the holidays as well.  Toss in some movies and I believe we have Thanksgiving. :))))  Oh! And you cannot forget the mandarins. :))) We have them everywhere as that is what reminds Earl of home on Thanksgiving. :))))

This holiday for me is very much about giving thanks for all that I’ve been blessed with.  The amazing family I have that surrounds me every day, the food and the home that I am blessed to have and all the luck and beauty in life that comes my way each and every day. :))))

So even if it isn’t Thanksgiving where you are today, use today to give thanks. :)) Do something to celebrate in your home, cook a special meal, spend some extra time with loved ones.  The world would be a much different place if we had a little Thanksgiving every day :))))

Happy Thanksgiving!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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