Many of you probably remember me telling you about the most beautiful place that opened up about 15 minutes from my house last fall. It’s in a huge area of conservation land that a road goes through that we love to drive. They opened up the most beautiful Land Trust this fall that we are welcome to explore and we have been loving our time there.
We went out for a drive yesterday as I just wanted to get out of the house. It was in the 30’s and really windy. We were hoping the wind would calm down so we could get out for an afternoon walk. We drove down the road with the land trust and Earl pulled into the parking lot. I was super excited just ready to dive out of the car. One hesitation was that I had sneakers on! Not just any sneakers this super old pair with no tread. I mean absolutely no tread that fit incredibly loose. I haven’t been able to walk in about three weeks for a problem with my foot. It’s fixed now and I’m so excited to be up and moving around. Sneakers were not stopping me on this journey. I was out the door before he could ask twice pulling on my hat and gloves that I always leave in the car for times like this.

To be fair the sneakers weren’t that big of a deal. A lot of the snow from the other day has melted and as you can see the trails have been flattened out from people walking. It was a little slippery but no big deal. I was so excited to be out in the woods finally!

We stayed on the well beaten paths. Others as you can see went exploring while cross country skiing. It’s a beautiful place to ski.

There is something about being in the woods in winter time with the snow that is just so incredibly peaceful.

Earl didn’t expect me to want to keep going. He didn’t think I would want to go. I laughed when he told me that. There was absolutely no way I wouldn’t have gone and no way I wanted to go back to the car. This was not a quick 15 minute walk. We were going up to the lake. Yes up. 🙂 Up the huge hill in my sneakers. It can be done! ( Between you and I, I just had no clue how I was going to get back down)

The view from the top was worth the extra hike. It’s just so beautiful up there.

We had come so far…why not go the rest of the way. Earl told me if I started it I had to go all the way to the top. I took his challenge laughing. The snow was definitely not as packed down here but it still wasn’t bad. I have to say through all of this my sneakers weren’t really wet at all which was incredibly helpful.

This is the view overlooking the lake from the top of that hill.

I don’t have many pictures of the way back. This is the bottom of the mountain. I fell so many times! It was just so funny. I slid my way all the way back down the mountain that we walked up. I knew it would be challenging. I haven’t laughed that hard in so long! I was covered in snow but somehow not wet at all and I wasn’t cold. It was really perfect. I’m about as good at going down a mountain in those sneakers as I was when I attempted cross country skiing. I cannot ski.

It really was so beautiful. I would have grabbed more photos but it was incredibly bright out there so I couldn’t even see what I was taking a picture of most of the time.
It’s going to snow today and I think I may go back. This time with my snow boots and shoe ice grips.
I hope that you have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong