Tarot Cards

Daily Oracle – June 11, 2020

Past Life Activation

You have talents within that have been developed through many varied life experiences. You have had many lifetimes already, even if you don’t recall them consciously, helping you evolve and grow into the loving being that you are today. Your desire to grow in consciousness and spiritual power, to assist the divine plan unfolding throughout the Universe, is heard and supported by the spiritual worlds in all ways. To this end, past life material is being activated, now, for your benefit and the greater good.

Your soul has a history of lifetimes through which it has learned to be wise and developed certain talents. You have learned lessons and acquired skills and abilities. Sometimes these were mastered through very challenging circumstances. You might feel you are obtaining mastery in certain areas again this lifetime, again through challenging circumstances. The soul can certainly develop through joy, love, and happiness, but often it is through an experience of conquering a challenge that the real gems are won for the crown of the soul. 

The oracle of Past Life Activation comes to you when a power you developed in a past life that would be useful for you to access in your current lifetime. Perhaps this talent or ability will become the seed of a spiritual vocation for you, a skill that expands your career, or brings you personal joy. The ability that surfaces from the depths of your soul will be whatever is of greatest benefit to you now.

Sometimes, whilst a treasure is emerging from the depths of your being into consciousness, it will be coated in the pain of the past. You might notice the outer coating first, the pain of abandonment, rejection, ridicule or shaming that perhaps resulted in the suppression or denial of that soul gift in your past life. This may be the reason you have not incarnated with it fully awakened and at your immediate disposal. You have to allow it to rise up to you, and you need to dig a little to crack open the coating of a wound and free the treasure that temporarily became trapped in that pain. When you release the pain, you free the treasure once locked within it.

Perhaps your gift was challenging to a community in a past life, whereas now it would be more readily accepted because that community has matured spiritually over time. Or perhaps you have matured and now will value your gift and be open to divine guidance to show you how to use it for the greatest good this lifetime. 

The gift you are reviving is worthwhile. As you cleanse the memories, beliefs or programs that once caused you to subconsciously protect yourself by hiding your talent, you will grow strong enough to process the pain and stand in the truth of your reclaimed gifts.

If you have been considering a new line of work, feeling you’d like to explore or express different talents, or have the urge to develop an interest and transform it into a vocation, you are very likely already feeling the stirrings of that past life activation now taking place for you. Trust the changes you feel. A part of your divine inheritance is being restored to you.


Through divine grace, protection, mercy and empowerment, I call for the activation of all past life gifts and abilities that will serve my greatest and most joyful, inspirational and soul satisfying success this lifetime. I ask for healing assistance from the higher beings that love me unconditionally so I can swiftly release any unhelpful conditioning or resistance to the expression of these talents. I ask for inspiration and guidance to bring them to life in the world in the best possible way this lifetime. May all beings receive their full divine inheritance with mercy and grace. Through my own free will, so be it.

As we travel throughout our lifetimes there are things that we retain in our souls.  Sometimes we may become conscious of this energy or the memories, others we may have no recollection as we aren’t meant to carry everything with us.  Pay attention to things that have felt familiar in your life.  Maybe you’ve gone some place and felt that you’ve been there before.  Maybe you’ve tried something new and understood how to do it even though you’d never encountered it before.  These things can all hold clues to lives that you have walked before.  That knowledge can be helpful for the life that you walk today.  The appearance of this card is letting you know that something from your past may be helpful to you on your path today.  Look into your heart and soul and see if you can figure out what this may be.   Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

 – Lightworker Oracle

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One thought on “Daily Oracle – June 11, 2020

  1. Wow! I feel like this was a personal reading♡ thank you! It’s been you who has helped me tremendously & I will be forever grateful to you for helping me to awaken to the truth about reincarnation & past lives. You’re amazing & I have so much gratitude to you, to the Universe & my guides & all others who have been a part of guiding me to you. ♡ thank you for everything ♡

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