Tarot Cards

Daily Oracle – April 23, 2020

Orange Dragon

Fifth-Dimensional Orange Dragons emit flames of joy, warmth and acceptance. They come to us when our orange naval chakra is open, for this indicates that we are ready to spread joy and oneness.

As the world moves toward the New Golden Age, soul families and groups are drawing together. Orange Dragons help light people up so that they recognize each other and enjoy a sense of belonging. They bring Fifth-Dimensional communities together – communities where people co-operate, help each other and practice harmony and oneness. Many of us need to work with them to bring this about.

Your guidance is to see the divine light in everyone. Look for the bonds that link you. The Orange Dragons will help you to spread their light of warmth, welcome and acceptance all peoples, races and cultures. Let that light shine through you. You will feel a sense of belonging and oneness and your heart will open. This will help you to develop your abilities of higher manifestation.

When you visualize the peoples and animals of the world coming together in harmony and acceptance, the Orange Dragons will flood your vision with their light. The Divine will then take it to energize the plan for Earth. So hold the highest vision for the Golden Age that is being prepared, and do your part to bring your community and the world into spiritual accord

Right now it’s important that you look for the light.  It’s time to embrace energy of warmth and happiness.  When you seek that energy and embrace it you will also radiate it for others.  This is definitely energy that the world can use more of right now.  You’ve probably seen a lot of it going around and I am loving it. 

My son was down earlier as I had to let him know that school got cancelled for the year.  Not an easy thing to do for either child. I knew he would have a harder time as this hasn’t been easy on him.   I was trying to find the right thing to say when an email popped up in my inbox.  Adam Lambert recorded “We are the Champions” with Queen from isolation. They had three screens to make it happen and it was really fun to watch.  He was just beaming watching them play.  I told him that this was just one of the many many examples of the ways that people are trying to brighten each others lives.  I know sometimes we feel alone while we are working through this but you must remember that it’s impacting the whole world.  I’m not sure if we have ever been more united. <3

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

 – Dragon Oracle Cards

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