
Dandelion Tea

While many people look to have those well-manicured lawns with the perfect striping, we do things a bit differently here.  I don’t see Dandelions as weeds but as beautiful sunny flowers that make amazing tea.  We don’t use pesticides on our lawn for so many reasons.  The fireflies are just one of the many reasons.  I also love having all the different flowers like dandelions all over our yard. 

This time of year I will have a dandelion tea several times a day.  It’s incredibly easy to make. Go out where you have dandelions, hopefully in your yard and choose some that look bright and in good shape.  Be sure that you choose ones that are away from the road or the yards of neighbors.  You can pop the flowers off the top of the stem. I usually choose two or three to make a 16-ounce tea.  You can use the roots and the stems but they have a different flavor to them.  The leaves are usually quite bitter though I find a lot of people enjoy them on Salads. I’ve had them cooked before with garlic and love them that way.  I’ve had the roots in commercial teas but I honestly haven’t pulled the flower up completely.  I usually just leave it alone and take the flowers off.

While the picture of the tea above is beautiful I always put my flowers, herbs, or fruits in a tea ball for my tea. 

This is the set that I currently have.  I love it as the cylinders are a bit bigger than the average tea ball and it even comes with a larger one for extra-large mugs.  It’s from a company called House Again.  You can use absolutely any tea ball that you like though.  You can find them pretty much anywhere. Let the flowers sit in the tea ball in your boiling water for a few minutes, add honey if you like and you have dandelion tea. If you are interested you can find it here: House Again Tea Infuser Set

One of the things that I love about dandelion tea is it can help reduce water weight.  If you have a day that you are feeling more bloated you may find that it helps. If you have any problems with blood sugar it can help to lower it.  It’s also a natural antioxidant.  It has tons of health benefits.  If you look it up online you will find even more.  I’m a huge fan of the way it tastes. 

Earl has made dandelion syrup before and that is absolutely amazing as well.  We use it on things like oatmeal, french toast, and pancakes.  It’s a really nice treat this time of year.

I hope that you have the most magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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