The energy you put out into the world attracts energy towards you. Many of you have heard of creating a gratitude journal. I encourage everyone to keep one, as it can do a lot to help bring that wonderful energy around you. I also find it a wonderful resource for looking back on your thoughts over time.
This week, I have something simple for you: a mini happiness journal. You can either grab a small journal or even make one on a couple of pieces of paper. Draw something or put a picture on the cover that makes you happy. Just with that simple action, you are already putting the energy of what makes you happy in motion.
With this Journal, at least once a day, write down what is making you happy about that day. This can be things you are experiencing, participating in, thinking, or feeling; this is for you. Whatever brings happiness to your day, write it down. If you think of it more than once a day, I encourage you to write down as much as you can. As always, the more you put into an exercise, the more you will get out of it. At the end of the week, review everything that you have written down. This will help you remember all the wonderful things that happened during the week. Give thanks for the many blessings you experienced and invite them into your life for the coming week. You can do this as often as you like, and I encourage you to! The more you recognize the energy of happiness, the more you will find it around it.
I hope that you have the most magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Energy Exercise – Mini Happiness Journal