
Intuitive Exercise Journal

The more you work with your intuition, the more you will strengthen it. It’s a bit like a muscle. Today I have an exercise that can help you with that. It’s something that you can modify as you wish. I would recommend starting with at least a week, and then if you like it, you may want to adopt it as a part of your daily practice. 

Set up an intuitive exercise journal. Choose a notebook that you want to work with over the next several days. In this notebook, you will set up a series of prompts for yourself for each day. I’m going to give you an example to get you started. Let’s set up the first week.

On the first page, write the following things spaced far enough apart to give yourself room to write:

Day 1

– One thing today that is bringing you happiness

– One thing you are looking forward to.

I started you with two simple questions to give you a moment to get started. If you start with a couple of things that don’t engage your intuition, it relaxes you before jumping into things. Then, continue with the following prompts on the same page, writing the first thing that comes to mind.

– Color

– Stone

– Chakra

– Scent

– Animal

– Any other thoughts

This exercise is a great way to engage your intuition by sensing what color you should work with for the day, stone, chakra, etc. You already know what you need; it’s just a matter of tapping into that energy.   The more you do this, the quicker things will come to you and the easier it is to tap into this energy.

As you get familiar with the exercise, you can change the prompts to what you want. I also think it’s valuable to look at corresponding energy to the things that came to your mind. Take each item and figure out what the related energy is. For example, a quick way is to go to google and type in the name of the stone and metaphysical energy, and you should find that gives you information about the energy that the stone will bring for you.

Choose the time of the day that you feel the most relaxed. When I started doing this many years ago, I found that first thing in the morning and before bed were my strongest times to gather information. I then started working with it at different times of the day to have more control over calling upon my intuition when I wanted it. It’s a great exercise to strengthen your intuition and help you gain control over it.

I hope you enjoy it!

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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