
Finding Simplicity and Magick in a Special Place

We’ve talked before about making magickal spaces in your home.  Today I want to give you something else to try.  This is a long term exercise that will help you to understand energy, working with energy and give you the bonus of a beautiful special place that you can visit.

The first thing that you need to do is to choose a special place that you want to work with over the next year.  I want you to find a place that isn’t at your home that you can go pretty much whenever you wish alone.  This should be some place that is outside preferably and the quieter it is the better.  When you choose a special spot make it somewhere that is really accessible, maybe a short walk away or some place that you come in contact with pretty much every day.  What’s important is that this is somewhere that you can go several times a week.  Your commitment to the exercise is what is going to help.

Visit your special spot as often as you can.  You may want to leave special things there like sticks or rocks that you find out on walks.  Keep whatever you choose natural so that it doesn’t interfere with nature.  Bring loving energy to your spot and enjoy it. Perhaps bring a book one day and spend some time there or just simply sit down and watch what’s going on around you for awhile.  Pay attention to how your special place changes as the year goes by.  

As time goes by you will find that you have an energetic bond with the place that you chose. It’s a safe place for you that you can go when you want to find peace or happiness or even love as you will send it loving energy when you visit.  It can become  a place that is special to you for life or you may find that with time you need to begin again with a new place in your life.  The purpose of it being away from the home is that some times you just need to get away from it all and this will be a place that is special just to you. <3

Your commitment to this place and the time that you choose to dedicate will strengthen the energetic bond that you have with it and what you get out of it.  It can be an incredible experience when you devote the time to it. 


Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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