
Happy New Year! Welcome 2024!!

Can you already feel the energy of 2024 knocking on your door? I’ve been doing a lot of readings for you this week and I definitely have the energy building around all of you and I know it’s going to be a powerful year.

2023 brought a lot of challenges and opportunities.  It was a year that you were called upon to find and use your voice to get what you needed and what you wanted. You had to find that confidence in yourself in order to do so and that’s not easy. Many of you found yourself confronting your fears and taking leaps of faith towards the things things you wanted.  If you look back over the challenges that you navigated this year a lot of you are going to find that you need to pause for a moment right here and breathe….. give yourself a hug.. you’ve been through a lot and you did a lot of hard work to get to where you are standing today.  Now… it’s time to close the door to 2023 and get ready to welcome in a new year… with new possibilities.  Ready to find out what’s coming your way?

I absolutely love the energy coming this year and I’m incredibly excited.  I’m not even sure where to start I’m so excited with all of it.  This is a number 8 year in numerology and they are known to bring energy of balance, prosperity, luck and expansion.  This year you  are going to feel like you are more firmly in control of the things that are happening in your life and that’s a great thing. 

While you always have energy of change moving around you as you close out one year and begin another year, the energy of change is incredibly strong this year and it’s leading you into a year that has the potential for big changes. I say potential because you will find that you are very much in control of what 2024 brings your way.  You see within this energy of change you are going to find a lot of energy of expansion and growth.  It only works if you follow it.  Think of it like a path…. when you step out of the door to your home there is a road…you can follow that road and it will need to a new road or roads with new decisions on which way to go and then those roads lead to new roads and so on.  You can see how fast this can multiply.  The energy I find around you this year is going to work much the same way.  When you explore something you are going to find not only energy with that opportunity but it very likely will lead to additional opportunities.  This energy is expanding and for that reason you will find that it has a lot of potential and you have a lot of control on where you want to see this go. 

Whenever you have energy of expansion it brings new options and opportunities. You need to make it a point to follow the ones that call to you.  What’s most important this year is to remember to be true to yourself.  Remember that voice that you found in 2023, it’s going to be incredibly important this year.  If you are true to yourself and active with this energy you are going to find that there is a lot of potential for wonderful things to come your way this year.

This is also a year where many of you will find that your spiritual path is incredibly important for you so make sure you spend time with it. Your spiritual path is and should always be something that is uniquely yours. Explore this year and have fun with it. Adopt things that you love, things that nourish your soul and bring you happiness, leave behind things that don’t.  Your spiritual path should be something that heals you and boosts your personal energy helping to bring you more inner peace and confidence that makes it easier for you to navigate your path.  This year balance is key, especially balancing your personal energy so keep your spiritual path and energy balance in your focus to make the most of this year.

I would be amiss if I didn’t mention the energy of the past coming for you this year.  For many of you it’s already around you and has been making it’s presence known for a little while now.  This is so important.  There are things in the past that have brought you happy memories, there are things in the past that have caused you pain.  Many of you are going to be called to the past in a variety of ways, people from the past, memories calling you to come explore, things happening in your life that remind you of the past.  The trick is going to be to release things that are hurting you or holding you back. It’s never easy but it’s time.  You always want to be aware of what’s holding you down or back and work on releasing it.  Write things down in a journal.  Work with those energetic cord cutting ceremonies. This is a year that has so much potential but if you aren’t careful you can get stuck in the past and miss it so please make sure you are aware of the energy from the past moving around you and work with it.  It has things to show you.  It’s not all bad though. 🙂 There’s always that balance  There are good things there and that’s what you need to learn to carry forward with you.  Those are the things that you want to carry forward with you, those people, places, things and memories that made you smile and filled your heart with love.  You will find that some of them may be more relevant that you though on your path this year.  They will have an important role in the decisions that you are making.  So take those trips down memory lane but don’t stay there, you have work to do where you are and a future with a lot of potential waiting for you.

I think I have touched on a lot of the major energy that is coming your way this year.  This is a powerful year full of energy that you will find that you really have a lot of control and influence to move in the direction that you want to go.  I keep having stars and the sun come up in readings and that also makes sense to me.  Stars are about hopes, wishes and dreams.  Make them.  Make it a point to find that first star and wish on it.  It matters.  The sun brings you positive energy and energy of clarity and confidence.  Work with that energy. Look for the sun on your path. Did I mention that we are starting this year in Virgo? I love it.  It’s bringing you this amazing energy that is going to help show you how to make your dreams a reality.  It’s kicking off a year that I know many of you are going to find so much clarity on the paths that you are walking and the things that you want to do in your life.   I am calling 2024 the year to Create Your Destiny.  It’s going to be an incredibly powerful year filled with so much potential. 

Are you ready?

Welcome 2024!!! I am so excited to walk through this year with you.

Today I am also opening the2024 Witch’s Journey to Create Your Destiny. This reading is designed specifically for the energy that 2024 is bringing your way and it will help to give you a boost in navigating the energy this year!  I’ve given it several options as I know so many of you love options.  I have the base reading and then an expanded reading for those of you that love working with magick and energy.  You also have the option to add on oracles and a 12-month forecast.

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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