Many of you know that I took a few days off last week. We had family in from California and we decided to go to New York City for a few days. New York City is a really exciting place to visit once you figure out how to get around! While I’ve lived only a couple of hours away from it all of my life I must admit I don’t go there as much as I like as it’s an absolute nightmare to drive and the subways can seem complicated if you aren’t familiar with them.

Still I’ve been lucky enough to visit Times Square, where the ball drops each New Year a few times in my life and I can honestly tell you that there is nothing like it. When you stand there under all those lights, with all those signs lighting up the night everywhere you can’t help but just look around with wonder.
There are some amazing places to visit right in Times Square. I finally got in to the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do.

I was so excited to be there I burst in to a spontaneous singalong with one of the Disney Store employees to The Little Mermaid. 🙂 So much fun!

We also managed to navigate the giant M&M store that is a must see if you are in the Times Square area. For those of you who aren’t familiar the Times Square area is right next to Broadway which is why I am most familiar with this are. I’ve been able to go with my daughter twice with her school to see a Broadway play and once when I was younger. If you do get to the city I always recommend going to see Broadway. It’s expensive but the sets and the actors for Broadway put on a show that is in usually incredible. Phantom of the Opera is my absolute favorite.

This time we had a few days so we had a CityPass for our trip. I got to see the Enterprise at the Intrepid Air & Space Museum.

Spent some time with the dinosaurs…

and checking out meteorites at the Museum of Natural history.

I even made it up the 100 floors in the Empire State building to enjoy this gorgeous sunset. I must confess this actually terrified me. I’m not a huge fan of elevators and 100 floors had me quite nauseous with anticipation in line. I must say though that the elevator was incredibly smooth and they had a surprise in it to make it a lot easier that I will leave for you to discover if you get to go there. After surviving that I found it quite easy to go to the Top of the Rock at Rockefeller center the next night to do the seventy floors and take the photo that you see at the top of this article.

My favorite place that I visited during the week was the Met. Words cannot describe how excited I was to go there. I have some amazing things to show you from there that I will show you on another day. The house above is not the front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art but inside of it. The Met is the largest art museum in the United States.

The tomb you see in the back of this picture is the Tomb of Perneb. The tomb was erected during the 5th dynasty in the Old Kingdom. It’s definitely a must see! I know a lot of you will enjoy some of the treasures that I found in Egypt. I’ll share them with you soon.
I hope that you have a magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong