
Magickal Home Cleansing Alternatives

I had a question the other day from a member of Moonsong Daily Magick and I thought it was a really good one so I wanted to pass it along to all of you.

“Jasmeine, the smell of white sage really bothers me.  Is there something that I can use as an alternative?”

While you often see white sage as the go to for doing a cleansing of your home there are a lot of herbs that you can use with the white sage or instead of white sage.  My personal favorite is a combination of white sage and lavender.  Today I wanted to take a quick look at some of those with you. 

Lavender – I adore lavender. I can’t seem to get enough of it in my home.  Lavender brings this amazing relaxing energy to your home and it can help to sooth emotions as well. This is a great herb to use for cleansing after there has been any sort of argument in the home as it can do a really good job clearing out that energy and settling things down.

Sweet grass – Sweet grass considered a sacred plant by many. Sweet grass is amazing for purification.  You can use it by itself or as a compliment to white sage.

Rosemary – This is an amazingly protective herb to work with.   It’s an herb of remembrance and brings peace and tranquility to a home.  If you have ancestors on the other side Rosemary is an amazing herb to work with when you wish to connect with them.

Cedar – Cedar has been used for a long time to cleanse homes with.  It does an amazing job of driving out any energy that isn’t in your best interest and it really does a good job of attracting positive energy to you.  

Sandalwood – Sandalwood is great for protection and it also brings you energy of success.  If you are a gifted intuitive you will find that it soothes your senses and may even enhance your gifts.

Dragon’s Blood – You can find dragon’s blood as an incense often.  I am a huge fan of running dragon’s blood after white sage.  It’s protective but it’s energy is just magickal as well making a really nice energy in the home.

Sensitive to smell? I have a great solution for you.  Grab a spray bottle and mix a bit of Pink Himalayan Salt or Sea Salt in some hot water.  Shake it up really well to give the salt a chance to dissolve in the water.  Let it set until it is cool and you can mist around your home when you do your cleansing.  Mist lightly so you don’t soak everything. This will do an amazing job at cleansing your home.

I also want to add that if you can’t use anything that smells in your home or you really just don’t have access to anything that I’ve mentioned that’s perfectly fine as well.  You can still go through the actions of cleansing your home and use your personal energy to assist with the cleansing. You are pretty powerful! 

Move through your home in a clockwise motion while you say the following:

“I release all imbalanced energy and it’s effects
out of this home
and affirm only harmonious energy
For the good of all
and according to the free will of all
with ease and with joy
and so mote it be”

When you are done if the weather allows, open all the windows in your home.

Have an amazingly magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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