One of my favorite things to do is to go out for walks as many of you know. I am lucky enough to have a rail trail near our house that goes for miles and miles and we spend so many happy hours out there exploring that among the many other trails in my area.
One of my favorite things when we are out is when we find painted rocks like the one above. We found three of them yesterday on our walk. This is something that really took off in our town a couple of years ago now and I’ve been excited to see it in other places like Plymouth and on the rail trail portions in Connecticut as well as here in Massachusetts.
We always leave them there and take pictures of them. In our town we have a group called Westfield Rocks where everyone shares pictures of the rocks that they are finding around town. It’s great fun for all of us to get out there and try to find all the different rocks around town. Some of them go home with others and new ones are put in their place. My daughter came home all excited the other day from work as someone had left a couple on the window sills of her business. What I love to see on the group in our town is all the children getting involved. They are painting rocks and so excited to get outside and to go looking for them. They are all over town as people find wonderful places to leave them.

I see them as signs of love and happiness. I know I always smile every time that I find one. I’ve read stories on the forum about people who just needed that smile and they found a special rock to take home with them that really made their day. There are others on the forum that show pictures of the rocks that they’ve painted and give clues where to find them. If your town doesn’t have a forum you might want to consider creating one as it can be a lot of fun.
They are super easy. You can make them as simple or as complicated as you want them to be. Have fun with it!!! They have apparently caught on in a lot of places. If you go to google and search painted rocks you will find so many wonderful examples that you can follow or draw inspiration from.
Have an amazingly magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong