
Sacred Spirit Oracle Cards

One of my favorite New England places to visit is Salem.  My absolute favorite store in Salem is called  The Coven’s Cottage. I make it a point to go there whenever we are in Salem.  It looks like a Witch’s Cottage and always feels like home to me.  Last year I picked up an amazing deck from a trip there called the Sacred Spirit Oracle Cards.  It’s a deck that I’ve used a lot in the last year and I love working with it.

Larger than a standard deck I was thrilled as soon as I opened the deck. I’ve gotten spoiled with the larger decks and honestly prefer working with them as it gives more room to see the details in the pictures that I love to work with.

As you can see the cards use really bright colors and beautiful visuals.  It’s a 36-card deck so is a bit smaller than most of the Oracle decks that I use.  That being said it’s an Oracle card deck and I believe that if it manages to capture the energy that they intend it to, the amount of cards that does that is what it should be. I wouldn’t want the author to add cards just to hit a number.  They are contained in a magnetic latch box that I love.  Once you unpack the oracle cards you may find that you have a bit of a hard time getting the latch to close.  I found that with mine I got frustrated trying to keep them perfect in the tray they were sitting in so I removed the tray.  The tray needed to be made a bit different for them to sit right. It was made with them banded together and that makes the latch close nice. If they are not compressed they go higher than the tray making it so the box doesn’t close as nicely.

These cards have a strong focus on the energy surrounding you and the energetic connections that you may have in your life.  They are perfect for doing a deep energy dive in your life to look at things going on.  While the cards use bright colors I did find some of the cards a bit darker than I would like in feel visually. That being said, the descriptions that went along with those cards explained where the visuals were coming from and helped me to understand.  On the other hand there are some cards that are just so gorgeous that I would love to frame them. I think it’s important to have a balance in energy when reading… as in sometimes it’s important to see both sides of a situation, the positive and the negative and this deck does a great job in giving you things to think about. As with any deck, it has its own voice and I appreciate that.

I designed a special reading to go along with the energy of these cards and help you to get some incredibly valuable information about the energy in your life right now from this deck.  You can find the reading here: Sacred Spirit Oracle Card Reading. It is a limited edition reading meaning that I will be retiring it from the shop shortly.

I hope that you have the most amazingly magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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