
Samhain Blessings and Blessings of the Full Moon!

Tonight we celebrate our Full Blue Moon.  The last time we had a Full Blue Moon on Halloween across all the time zones was in 1944….76 years ago! That’s pretty exciting right? A Blue Moon occurs when you have two Full Moons in the same month.  We had our first Full Moon this month making it a Blue Moon for us this evening.

Yesterday I woke up to something pretty incredible…snow! Can you believe it? It’s extremely rare for us to have snow in October.  You may find the lightest of dusting once in a blue moon…lol …I’m going to leave that there…. today though it’s actually starting to accumulate.  We wound up with about 1/2 an inch by the time it was done yesterday.

It was incredibly cold last night and today we woke up lucky to find a bit of snow still on the ground. It was the perfect way to start Samhain with a snowy walk in the woods. It was just so beautiful outside today.

The snow feels really fitting with the energy that I’ve been picking up.  Our Full Moon tonight is in Taurus bringing us some wonderfully grounding energy. I honestly feel like it’s needed!  The snow matches this energy and I feel like it’s bringing in this beautiful energy curtain of new energy for our Witch’s New Year that is also needed. Taurus is bringing us some solid energy to build a wonderful foundation for our future moving forward.  It’s a great night to finish releasing what is no longer working for us as we finish off the Samhain season and move into our New Year . Many of you have likely found that you are reflecting upon the past, maybe doing some tough shadow work, or just looking at some challenging things in your life.  You should find that energy blows away a bit with our Full Moon tonight.  I have a big energy shift in the coming weeks that should help to move us forward.  Transition is definitely something that keeps coming to me with this energy and opportunities for growth.

Mystic Dreamer Tarot - The Fools Dog | Page of wands, The chariot tarot,  Tarot

I pulled the Page of Wands for us today.  We are going on a journey… a beautiful journey of self.  Challenges will still be around us but we must view those challenges as just that…puzzles for us to solve and things for us to learn from.  You should find the energy of personal challenges eases up a bit and more energy of personal reflection and inspiration will be around you.  I think everyone’s mind weighs heavy on the election this coming week.  I make it a point to not get into politics but I will say this.  No matter what the outcome, you may be elated or beyond disappointed, you have a journey that you are walking in your life as well as the one that you walk with the world around you.  If you need to take some time away from the news, politics and things happening I always encourage you to do so.  Mental health is so important and all of us need to make it a priority.  Take this time to reflect upon self, to bond with your inner self, spend more time in nature and vow to make this your best Witch’s New Year.  You always have that power.

Don’t forget to spend a bit of time with loved ones on the other side and your ancestors tonight.  It doesn’t have to be complex.  You can simply light a candle that speaks to you and speak what’s in your heart. You can send them energy and send them love. I always encourage you to do this all year but tonight is a beautiful night to honor their memory and remind them that you will always carry a piece of their soul within your heart.

Most of all get magickal tonight! Go have some fun! Celebrate being a witch! Watch a spooky movie! Cole and I will be watching Sleepy Hollow and maybe another spooky virtual tour if I can find one as we’ve been having a lot of fun, or maybe Hocus Pocus! 🙂  Make some Samhain tea or cider, prepare some soul cakes and celebrate all the blessings you have in your life.  Tis the Season of the Witch… Blessed Be

Sending you all so much love,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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