It is my favorite night of the year! At any age in my life you could have asked me what my favorite holiday and there would be no hesitation as I told you Halloween. I know for most children it was Christmas and honestly, that man in the red suit was pretty magical as a child! There was something about Halloween though… it went along with my desire to read any book about witches that I could get my hands on, or anything about the paranormal. It was the one day a year that people seemed excited to celebrate those things that maybe everyone doesn’t understand. They would be excited to see spirits or ghosts….they wanted to go to haunted houses. These were things that I looked to with excitement as well. I can be honest though there was definitely a part of me that always hoped it would explain things that I was seeing when I was little!
As an adult, I celebrate both Samhain and Halloween. A part of me loves that Halloween energy. On Halloween night, the kids will dress up and go find candy. I want to encourage everyone to support the teens and older kids that take the time to do this as well, and I know there’s been a big push around this. I think dressing up and going out for candy is fun at any age, and I honestly love seeing the older kids dress up and have fun. As far as I’m concerned age doesn’t matter, if you are willing to dress up and go out, you deserve a treat. As a parent, I almost always dressed up. Of course, it’s almost always in a witch’s costume. If they only knew, right?
As a witch, tonight is incredibly significant. The veils are thin now and it’s the perfect night to welcome the energy of loved ones on the other side and ancestors who have walked before me. I will celebrate the energy of wise ones or other people that I find influential that walked before me as well. It’s a great night to raise a toast to the amazing people and animals that have already graced this world with their presence. May I be a person that does enough in this lifetime to be remembered fondly one day as well. While the veils are thin right now I am blessed to work with spirits and guides all year. I always think it’s important to let everyone know that you don’t need to wait until Samhain to reach out to your loved ones, they are always with you. You talk to them whenever you want and know that they are always listening. It just may be a bit easier to see a sign of their presence this time of year.
This is also the final harvest of the year on the Wheel of the Year. Here in Massachusetts I know we brought in almost the last of our plants this week. A few of the herbs are still doing ok but I know soon it will be time for them to sleep. It’s always a tough time of year for me as I love my gardens so much. While I appreciate the opportunity to live in an area that so closely follows the wheel of the year, one day I hope to be somewhere warm enough where I can have my gardens all year. I do think that I would miss the beauty of the Full Moon on the snow but as I get older I start liking the cold less and less.
Have fun tonight! There is so much amazing energy out there. Get out for a walk and look at the kids all dressed up if you aren’t taking out your own. Dress up! Have fun with it. Leave a special something out for a loved one on the other side to let them know you remember them. Ask for guidance from an ancestor or wise one that you look to. Remember tonight is the last night to release what you wish as tomorrow we celebrate our Witch’s New Year! Well… I do at midnight tonight!
Have an amazingly magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
P.S. If you haven’t ordered Halloween or Samhain Readings today is the last day! They are all on sale for you as well for today! I also have a special 2022 Witch’s New Year Reading for you!
Samhain Blessings and Happy Halloween!