
Samhain Night

How many of you know why we celebrate Samhain?

As a witch, Samhain is the time that I use to honor my ancestors and loved ones on the other side.  This is one of two times during the year where the veil between worlds is at its thinnest and you will find it easier to communicate with those on the other side. You will often see an emphasis on spiritual work and connections during this time of year for this reason. If you have any loved ones on the other side I always encourage communication with them as they can always hear you. However, you may find that you have a bit of an easier time now noticing signs from them.  If you have a loved one on the other side that you are looking for a message from pay attention to everything going on around you as you may find that they are sending you messages.  Samhain night is the perfect night to light a candle in honor of those loved ones and leave out an offering for them to let them know that they are loved and remembered.

This is also the beginning of the Celtic New Year.  Summer is over, the harvest has been gathered and the leaves are falling from the trees as we head into the dark time of the year. It’s a time to finish anything that you need to and get ready to begin anew. Think about what you want when you begin anew.  I was taught that as we close out Samhain night at midnight our Witch’s New Year begins and that November 1st is the first day of our new year.  It’s a tradition that I love and have adopted into my own practice. Traditions always differ in how they celebrate things and I always encourage you to explore and learn as much as you can and then adopt what calls to you.  This is a great night to leave out wishes for new beginnings.  Something simple as writing them down on a piece of paper and folding them three by three to leave under the Samhain moon is a great idea to work with the energy on this night.

It is thought that the ancient Celts believed that on this final night of their year when the veil was at it’s thinnest that the spirits were released and allowed to roam the Earth. They were concerned that not all spirits were friendly so they would wear masks or disguises to scare away any unfriendly or evil spirits. This is the beginning of what we see today as Halloween costumes. Of course they have evolved quite a bit over the years. Have you thought about what you will wear for Samhain night this year?

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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