I made it! Back safely in my room with the sheets pulled up to my chin my heart was racing and I urged it to calm….. breathe… just breathe… I immediately visualized a bubble extending out from me of protection and drew an energetic boundary around myself… I then started giggling knowing that so many of you would likely get a kick out of my still scampering to my room like I did when I was five. What caused it? Something was out there…..
I got up in the middle of the night to use the restroom like I do every night. Most nights are significantly uneventful and if I’m being honest sometimes I’m so sleepy I’m not sure how I get from point A to point B and back again. This night though Mama cat was acting absolutely crazy and while I usually attribute her madness to chasing greebles I could feel the energy. I knew there was a spirit around….. one that I wasn’t particularly up for meeting at 3:00 in the morning. Was the spirit harmless? Most likely honestly. I just have boundaries in my life for working with spirit and whoever it was wasn’t following them.
You see I have had the gift of sight since I was little. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen things throughout my life that may not have been so scary if they weren’t unexpected? I think there’s something about seeing things where others don’t that can be a bit rattling. It often seems to happen in the night as well. They come in the night because it’s dark and creepy right? Actually no. They come in the night because that is typically the time that you are most relaxed and it’s easier to see them. It’s the same with your guides bringing you messages. The easiest time for them to bring you messages is right before you fall asleep.
When I was little my bed was my safe place. I suppose I thought of it a bit like a home base when you are playing hide and seek? You can’t get me here was always my rule and I would pull those blankets up over my head until I couldn’t stand the air under there anymore. I must confess sometimes they have persisted. I had a young female spirit when I was little that sat next to my bed and really rattled me. She persisted through three rounds of not being able to breathe under the covers. I had another round like that when I was much older about ten years ago with a man who was connected to some model airplanes that I had brought home. I typically prefer to sense spirits. Seeing them straight on is a bit intimidating to me. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get over that?
When I started working formally as a psychic I had my reservations. I didn’t want to start seeing spirits more than I was. I was taught how to draw boundaries and I have to say for the most part the spirits and guides that I work with are always quite respectful. Daytime is perfectly ok when I’m working, nighttime not so much. I love the night… the animals of the night, the moonlight, the quiet. I start not loving it when I feel the energy that shouldn’t be there. They are welcome to come to visit me when I’m ready for them.
I thought many of you would get a kick out of knowing that at 45 I still have nights where I race down the hallway and pull the covers to my nose. I also wanted many of you to know that if you can see spirits and you can sense things you can establish boundaries. It can be as simple as visualizing an energetic bubble of protection as I used last night. You can also establish boundaries in your energy. I have made agreements with my guides and I find they always honor that. How? I simply asked out loud. Simple right? I didn’t believe it would work when they told me that was what I had to do 20 years ago yet it has for the most part. I do get some stragglers here and there but I see them as the people that don’t notice or choose not to read signs? Sometimes you may need to just shut the door and tell them to come back tomorrow. They apparently missed the energetic memo.
I hope that you have the most magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Spirits in the Night