Tarot Pull

Tarot Reveal – 01/20/20

Which Card Did You Choose?

Card 1: 7 of Wands

Things have likely been challenging for you lately. Know that you aren’t alone in your struggles. You have been meeting these challenges with strength and determination. Make sure you remember to give yourself a break. If you are working too hard for too long you can find that you get worn down and things get harder. Step away for a moment if you can and give yourself time to breath and the time to listen to your heart and soul. It’s not the warrior that needs to be ready for battle but for you to connect to your intuition and your heart and soul. You know deep down what steps you need to take next. Trust your intuition and move through the challenges staying in tune with yourself. You will find that if you do things will get better. You should find some relief from the challenging energy with the energy of the New Moon that is coming this weekend.

Card 2 : Queen of Cups

While you may find that you are shy at times the energy of the world around you has been calling you lately. You may find that you’ve been called to group situations or you may just have the desire to spend more time with others now. You are someone who is always quick to help others and you care deeply for what is going on with loved ones in your life. Be sure that you are taking care of yourself as well. You should find that the energy around you is filled with love right now. Work with this energy. Let it boost your confidence. Then take this energy and begin something new that you’ve been wanting to try with the New Moon this weekend. You may want to see if you can get a friend or two to try something new with you. Enjoy time with friends and loved ones.

Card 3: The Moon

There are some days that you really feel like you are going this path alone. Yet you are a wise one and you will find that even though you may feel alone at times you will never be alone. There are things that you need to sort out on your path right now that may involve you needing some time alone or needing to understand how to do something on your own. You are on a journey of self discovery. There are things that you are meant to learn about yourself and to understand. Follow your intuition and if something calls you to learn more about it, give yourself that time to investigate things. If you are someone who is looking for love you will find that sometimes you need to learn to be on your own and to love yourself before that right person will come to you.

Have a great night!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

**cards from Mystic Dreamer Tarot ***

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