Tarot Pull

Tarot Reveal – 02/19/20

Which card did you choose?

Card 1 – Soul Retrieval

Have you been feeling like a part of you is missing or that there is just something that has been off with you lately? There are so many times in life that we will compromise who we are to make others happy. It’s natural to want to make others happy and I always encourage you to do so. Just be sure that when you are making others happy that you aren’t compromising what you truly believe or who you are to achieve love or acceptance by someone.

When this card comes up for you it let’s you know that you’ve given away part of your heart and soul when you wish you hadn’t. This is a situation that you either need to correct or need to heal. Take your time with this. Show yourself lots of love and understanding as that is likely what you were seeking. As you move forward on your path be careful not to compromise who you are.

Card 2 – Luminous Warrior

You are being reminded today just how strong you are. Remember that as you move forward. While you may feel anger, sadness or other lower vibrations at times because others have been challenging you, you don’t need to give into those lower vibrations. This is not your time for battle and the person challenging you isn’t worth it. Try to never act from a place of anger. Look for the truth in your heart of the situation and then carefully choose your actions as you move forward. Remember that you are strong, wise and beautiful. Intention follows attention so be sure to focus your mind on what you wish to have in your life. You are in charge of empowering your self. You are so much stronger than you realize.

Card 3 – The Beloved

You are being invited to follow the path of love. Have you met someone new in your life or entered a new phase of a relationship? Perhaps a new love is on their way into your life for you. As you surround yourself with self-love and love for the world around you, you will find that love comes back to you from the world. When experiencing romantic love you must be careful of falling in and out of it. There are times when you may feel like you don’t love a person and you truly do you are just frustrated with them at the time. At other times you may find yourself in love with the wrong person. It’s essential when you are in a romantic relationship that you are truthful with yourself about that relationship and that you work together to build a mutual trust and partnership. Be aware of your shortcomings and advantages as well as theirs and work together to become stronger. This is a time that you need to be very truthful with yourself in regards to the love and the relationships in your life. Bring more love towards you.

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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