Tarot Pull

Tarot Reveal – June 22, 2021

Which card did you choose?

Can you believe our final Full Super Moon of the Trio is almost here? The energy of change around us has definitely been intense and I know many of you have been feeling it. This energy has been poking holes in areas that may be weaknesses in your life and pulling your attention to changes in your life that can bring you more happiness, love and freedom. Let’s take a look at the card that you chose to help you on your journey today. I used the Sacred Forest Oracle deck that many of you requested yesterday. Ready?

Card 1 – Bluebird Spirit – Happiness

There’s something about bluebirds that just always makes me so happy when I see them. I don’t seem to have a lot of them where I live and I always get really excited when I do see one. They have a wonderfully uplifting song and I just love the bright color of blue that they are. It’s almost impossible to miss that flash of bright blue that lets me know they are around. When you see a bluebird it’s often a sign that something wonderful is coming your way as the bluebird brings you extra happiness in life. With this card showing up on your path today you are receiving a bit of extra luck and happiness coming your way. It’s time to celebrate life and to take a bit of extra time to enjoy those simple things in life. Set up a day to go and have a picnic at a local park where you can smell the scent of the flowers around you on the breeze and watch the birds and other animals come and go as they go about their daily lives. Don’t be surprised if the bluebird comes to see you! It’s time for a bit of extra happiness in your life as you’ve been working hard. Go out and enjoy the celebration of life that is waiting for you today.

Card 2 – Willow Spirit – Flexibility

Have you ever had the opportunity to sit under a Willow Tree? I have the most beautiful large Willow tree in my yard that is right next to a tiny little stream at the edge of a field that I have spent countless hours under reading books and watching the wildlife come and go in the field behind my home. The branches form this magickal curtain around where I sit blowing gently in the breeze making their own rustling song that I just love. We tend to get a fair amount of wind here where I live and I can honestly tell you that the one tree that I don’t worry about in the storms is the mighty Willow. You see she has the strongest root system and she can bend more than any other trees. The mighty oak stands like a bit of a fortress against the storms and if you watch the Willow she almost seems to dance with the high winds.

Right now you must be flexible on your path. If you are experiencing challenges in your life try to look at them from different perspectives. Your willingness to be flexible may be the key to navigating the challenges. Be strong in your roots so that you don’t compromise your values or beliefs. The energy that the Willow is bringing you now is meant to inspire you and to help you navigate things happening in your life. She also can bring you healing energy when you need it. Work with her energy to help navigate the path that you are on now and you will find the success that you are looking for. If you have one near you, spend some time with her. You may find that her presence helps to clear your mind and to find the path that you are looking for.

Card 3 – Spirit Guardians of Summer – Expansion

Here in New England the Summers are amazing when everything grows again and we are surrounded in an emerald landscape that is just dreamy with bold colors and wildlife everywhere. It almost makes up for the cold winters that make it much more difficult to get outside and pretty much impossible to have gardens. While the winters are slower and quieter without much going on when Summer gets going here in New England the pace picks up and honestly most of my Summers go by in a blur as we are constantly on the go doing new things and enjoying the warm weather. Summertime is a powerful time of growth and expansion.

You are in the Summertime of your life right now in the Summer months which means that you are in an exciting time of growth and transition in your life. If there are things that you’ve been wanting to do, now is an amazing time as you will find more success and you will likely find it easier to get things done. Don’t forget to enjoy the beauty and wonder of the world that is growing around you as well. The Earth energy of Summer is incredibly powerful bringing not only grounding energy but healing energy for your heart and soul.

I hope you have the most magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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